I am flying out to Sa Coma on the 16th sept for a week with my 2 year old son. I was going to come earlier in the year but was worried that the weather would be to hot for him to enjoy (He gets grumpy in England heat in the summer) however now im really worried that its going to be too cloudy to spend time around the pool / beach and that he will be too cold getting in and out of water if the suns not out. Can anyone tell me what the weather has been like this year and whats its generally like in September?
I lived in Magaluf summer 2008 but to be honest I cant really remember what the weather was like in September?
Have been so excited for this holiday and really looking forward to a bit of sunbathing and splashing around in the pool with my son and now im panicking that I wont be able to do all that??
Can anyone help to put my mind at rest?

Thank you x