Hi Aslemma
I don't normally look at the information under the avatars, but when we post next to each other, I had noticed that we joined on the same evening.....at one time in the past, the time you joined used to be displayed too....and can you remember the gold star system? People used to get so upset about that if there was a clear-out of posts and they lost a star.
Shirleyh joined before us both, she joined on the 25th September.
I got reminded during the 'deleting posts' thread - usually I can't remember what day it is these days and
Interestingly enough, most of the contributors in that thread, they joined in 2004 or early 2005, so, old-timers indeed.!
I remember how I got here - I was rummaging around the Internet and stumble across HT. - I'd had a bad experience in a 4* hotel in Tenerife and being woken in the night by a huge cockroach crawling on my face.
Jaysuuus almighty, it freaked me out big time and I developed a phobia about them, I didn't go away for nearly 2 years, and whilst I can't say that I ever liked them and I'd walk around them in the street and just shudder......having one crawling on my face just sent me do - dally.
We had a General Chat and a couple of members called Pippy and Shell (not the Shell in Cyprus), they decided to start a thread whereby they bought the members a virtual present for Christmas......When it came to my turn, they bought me a can of cockroach spray.
Funny how I can remember all this as though it happened yesterday, yet I can't remember what I did last week.
I can also remember the fun learning how to post photos in here. Several of us had just got computers and we were as green as rhubarb - Van must have had the patience of a saint trying to teach several of us that night....and as each one of us mastered it, everyone was so supportive... Good times indeed.!
Sanji x