They more than likely would Sanji, any excuse to get out of paying, I find.
My son has Bi Polar and sometimes, being his carer, puts pressure on my brain too. On the advice of my Carers Support Worker I went to my GP who prescribed anti depressants. As I walked out of the surgery I knew I wouldn't take them so didn't bother cashing it in at the chemists.
When it came to renewing our policy I declared the visit, and the prescription, & our yearly policy shot up by £80 because I'd been given the script. I, argued the case on the phone to no avail, so eventually I said that I found it ironic that normally companies won't now insure for anxiety, yet here I am being covered because I've been given a prescription?....
So, I stipulated on the phone that if I have a panic attack and couldn't board the plane I'm covered?? "Yes" she replied......
I told her that I didn't really have much choice than to accept the extra, as, because I had now declared my visit to GP, if anything at all was to happen to me they'd probably blame it on my anxiety. I break my ankle slipping on a wet floor ”it was your anxiety, you were probably light headed" ........
I was not a happy bunny. The year is up shortly & I haven't set foot in the doctors surgery........
I have had something similar (although at least I am actually taking it!)
I'm prescribed a really low dose AD, not for it's AD properties, but for its side effect, which is acting as a mild pain killer.
70% of people who take amitryp don't take it for AD purposes it's really old fashioned and there are much more effective ones nowadays like Prozac etc.
I take it for Fibromyalgia (sort of unexplained pain syndrome) it's the only thing they ever prescribe for this and only 10ml, the AD does is I believe 200ml.
Tried explaining the above to an insurance company &, no comprendo ! No idea what it would exclude me for cover from

Best. Wishes, I hope you manage to get something sorted out so that you can get away for a break, you certainly deserve it.
Doe x
I'm finding this all so frustrating as well. I have gone to Staysure with high blood pressure plus high cholesterol. I also take a tablet a day for an over active bladder (something I requested). I am waiting to go for some tests at the hospital, but until I have had these tests Staysure won't insure me for the pre existing, even though the tests are nothing to do with these pre existing conditions. I can pay the extra premium once the tests have been done. I took out the insurance they were offering, purely for the cancellation aspect of the policy which means if I fall down and break a leg I will be covered.
It was Amitiptyline I was prescribed Doe, 10ml, 2 tbt at night.
I've just come across this firm. Not had time to do any research so can't make any further comments.
just had a look at and got a quote from the above link.
£593 !!
both wife and self have high blood pressure, I have high cholesterol and she has under active thyroid, so nothing fairly unusual there,
quote was for annual world wide excluding USA etc
just had a look at and got a quote from the above link.
£593 !!
both wife and self have high blood pressure, I have high cholesterol and she has under active thyroid, so nothing fairly unusual there,
quote was for annual world wide excluding USA etc
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if that's the price for that small amount, don't think I'll bother looking for mega illness.
we paid £141 last year, expecting a bit more this year but not that kind of money!
del949 wrote:Ouch!!
just had a look at and got a quote from the above link.
£593 !!
both wife and self have high blood pressure, I have high cholesterol and she has under active thyroid, so nothing fairly unusual there,
quote was for annual world wide excluding USA etc
Sorry about that! In mitigation, the firm came recommended by a travel magazine I subscribe to. I hadn't looked beyond the home page. You do wonder where they get the prices from. If I've time over the next couple of days I might take a proper look and scare myself silly. Will I be covered for that

AH, just thought
I think that it must include the holiday
The prices varied from £64.99 with Insure for all to £305 with Avanti!
I am more confused than ever.

see this is why I asked, I have previously been quoted holiday prices for holiday insurance.
aye, think the holiday will be off for a while,
week past Wednesday ambulance again into hospital for severe double pneumonia (my wife),
out off ICU and doing better, so I'll not bother checking prices for holiday insurance just yet.
still looking for gaps in between hospital times, and if I find anything ask doctor if its OK for her to travel.
insurance or not

Really sorry to read this Ray, wishing her a speedy recovery.
I have taken out insurance with.... Insurance with...very reasonable, pleasantly surprised at cost of policy. I did have breast cancer, 7 years clear, asthma, my partner has high blood pressure, policy for a week in Cyprus £34 for both.
Ray,So sorry to hear things haven't be good for your wife (health wise) . Wishing her a speedy recovery.

Can't remember exactly how much they charged but it was under £200. Cover is for Europe only, which is where our next holiday will be, and they have assured us that if we upgrade to worldwide including USA the extra charge will be minimal.
We are happy.

and a holiday is off for a good while.
6 weeks daily to get a specially made up antibiotic to try and clear the pneumonia.
seemingly its a cavity in her lung that's the problem, its not inflating the lung properly.
if this works fine! but if not, an operation to remove the bit of lung causing the pneumonia.
so its wait and see time again.
thanks all for the get well soon and speedy recovery notes..

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