Can anyone give me any info on the holiday inn south goa, maybe an e-mail address for the hotel?
And also sent off for our visas three weeks ago to London have no news of them yet is this normal, 10 weeks on saturday and we are off!!!!
I have never stayed at the holiday inn, however i have a friend at work that has a couple of times and he says its brilliant, so you have no worries there.
is the main site for them, looks bloody lovely.
Have fun
Hi sent my visa off about 3 weeks ago haven't got them back yet. You actually make me feel a bit better knowing someones waiting too who sent them rougthly at the same time
Longest i have known to come back is about 8 weeks, but that was a couple of years ago when they had a fire.
I sent our visa's off on the 8th Jan to London, we got them back on the 25th Jan, not bad. My parents sent theirs 5 days later than me and they are still waiting for theirs, I'm sure they will arrive anyday now. We're off 9 weeks tomorrow

I just hope we all get them back on the same day so we can all relax. I supose a lot of people sent for them straight after xmas. So they got a bit of a backlog. Still I will still be on the edge of my seat waiting for the post comes tomorrow. Its my first time to Goa too
We was going to put them in together, but reading the embassy website it said to send them seperate!
Nah you can send them together just fine, we have a number of times saves on the recorded delivery and you get them back at the same time.
Any news on the visa's ? Still haven't got ours yet
Whoopee, i can go, The Visa has arrived!!!!!
Still no sign of my parents visa's yet, its been more than 3 weeks now, but we've got plenty of time before we go and I'm sure they will arrive soon
Go and eat at Hills Den right by the gates of the hotel, really nice restaurant. Give my regards to Izzy.
The holiday Inn is shouting me !!!!!!!!!!!!
what date do you fly Nessa I've got plenty of time... 31st of march but I still want that visa landing on my door mat
My parents visa's arrived this morning after 25 days of sending them.

Hope yours came nessa if not they will probably be here in the next day or two
Of course you know what it will be in a a few weeks Where are a tickets

I agree totally and I'm sure waiting for the tickets will be even more agonising, as time will be more limited. Gosh I can't wait

One point about the visas though or more about the royal mail Sent recorded delivery sae for the passorts to be returned to us. At work when they arrived this morning just posted through the letter box no one signed for them. And the royal mail wonder why post goes missing.

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