Dining at La Luna is free during the day for lunch and then a charge of £5 is applied during the evening, which is worth it for the waiter service. You can sit indoors or out and it is a nice dining experience.
You pay for this via your onboard account which is how you pay for anything you purchase on board the ship. You have a card like a credit card with your details on and anything you pay for you show your card and sign for the purchase and get given a receipt.
We booked for La Luna the day before we were eating there, it all depends on the availability but if you want to eat there a particular night for a particular occassion I would advise to book as soon as possible.
Feel free to ask any more questions

youve been most helpfull,thanks sam
we purchased cans of pop (6 pack ) from supermarket and took it on the ship no problem,
that's exactly what I wanted to hear. I suppose they have fridges in the cabins, do they?

Just a quick note on the subject of onboard accounts, you can register your card prior, you will receive a couple of bills during the course of the cruise detailing how much you have spent and unless you have any queries the final amount will just be deducted from your credit card.
If you choose to pay cash you have to go to reception and leave an amount of money and keep a check of where you are up to as you need to be in credit rather than debit.
Credit card is definitely the easiest way and as I said register your details before and it saves joining the very long queue when you board.
All the best.
Also bottled water is left in your cabin, if you choose to drink it then it will automatically be billed to your onboard account.
Especially about the tip about the water - might buy my own!!!
Any other info/advice gratefully received.
To save this thread going off topic, I have transferred the discussions on ex-UK cruises to a separate topic here:
After a week in Majorca, we sail from Palma to Tunis, Naples, Florence & Pisa (from Livorno), Monte Carlo and Ciedadela, Menorca before returning back to Palma.
There a lot of excursions on offer which OV are very keen to sell. Can anybody tell me if its possible to do DIY excursions on foot or local transport, or are the actual ports too far from everything that we probably want to explore?
Any comments/advice would be much appreciated.
You may find info on some of the ports within the following links:

Is the credit card bill in GBP?
If not a top tip I heard is to get a nationwide credit or debit card as the rates are better than any other bank.
Yes your onboard account will be settled GBP and all prices onboard such as drinks or anything else you may purchase will be quoted in GPB so you know where you are up to easily.
I'm booked on the Ocean Village Passage to Palma, for 11 may. When I booked it was for the NN grade cabin (the cheapest). We've now been upgraded to a KK cabin, free of charge, which is lovely. Only thing is I can't find info on the KK cabins either on the Ocean Village website nor in there brochure, ie no pictures or info. Has anybody out there stayed in the KK grade and if so what was it like and how does it differ from NN grade? I'm guessing it must be a bit better as it seems to be 3 grades more expensive.
Any info gratefully received
Hopefully someone will be able to explain the difference to you. You could always phone up Ocean Village on the pretext that you want to book a cruise and ask them what the difference between the two grades is.

If you don't find out before you travel, you could have a wander round the ship in disembarkation day and have a look for yourself.

When we booked back in Jan I mentioned to the girl at OV who took my booking that this was, in fact, a very belated honeymoon (we'll have been married 6 yrs on 8th April, but never had a honeymoon as I was pregnant with Jake, and as Tiffany was only 9 at the time I didn't want to leave her). She said she'd put us in for a complimentary upgrade if possible, nearer the time. I see on their website that the only cabin availability for this cruise now is for the lowest grade cabins, so no more upgrades I expect. We actually know the exact cabin we've got so have looked it up in the brochure and it's position seems good, not that I'd really know!
There are some ace reviews of OV on http://www.ship-happens.co.uk/cgi/reviews.pl
Gives you some idea about services offered but you must try la Luna & the Bistro at least once during your cruise.
Thanks mickrory for that link and for the positive feedback,
The main difference between NN and KK grades is the area of the ship.
KK grades are mainly on B deck and in better positions than NN grades.
As we know our cabin number we know that we are on B deck and pretty much in the middle of the ship, which does seem to be a better deal.

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