Im 28 and diabetic, have just bought a house in Spain, how would it work with me getting my medication over there, will i have to buy it? Do you get charged for medication costs, or a prescription charge.
Or will i only get it if im working over there through a health plan?
Thanks for your time
You say that you have 'bought a house' in Spain, but do not say if you have become (or intend to become) a Spanish resident. If you are still living in the UK, you will continue to be prescribed your medication there, and will be able to bring it across with you - there are special dispensations for carrying syringes and medication in hand luggage, but you will need a doctor's letter and be prepared to show it to all and sundry at the airport!!! You could then use your E111 for further supplies abroad if you then run out.
Spaniards also suffer from diabetes - both types! So don't be afraid that you will not be able to get the correct medication to keep you well. Of course you will have to make sure you don't overdose on the sweeter aspects of Spanish cuisine, and the cheaper booze!! (Please don't think I'm being patronising, because this is the last thing I'd want to do.) You may find though that you need to carry sachets of sugar in case of a hypo because the most accessible local sugar may more commonly be in lump form.
I am sure that the British Diabetic Association will be able to reassure you as to the 'rules and regulations', and I'm sure that a Spanish equivalent exists, though it may not have a ready-translated website in English!
You can't use the E111 for anything other than emergency treatment in spain. There is a specific certificate you need to allow you to get your normal medication, but for the life of me I can't find the relevant details atm. When I can I will post!!!!!!!
I intend to get Spanish residency (sorry after re reading my post i realise i left that important piece of info out).
Im 28 and diabetic, have just bought a house in Spain, how would it work with me getting my medication over there, will i have to buy it? Do you get charged for medication costs, or a prescription charge.
Or will i only get it if im working over there through a health plan?
Thanks for your time
Under EU rules you are entitled to full medical cover in Spain (without payment) the same as you are in the UK.
You might like to read this thread which I started.
If you intend to work here then there will be no problem getting cover under the Spanish system, if fact it is much easier for ex-pats who come and work here then people like myself who decide to live here and take early retirement.
As stated in another post the E111 is for emergency cover only and cannot be used if you live here.
I would suggest you contact Department for Work & Pensions, The Pension Service, International Pension Centre, Tyneview Park, Newcastle-upon-Tyne NE98 1BA Tle 0191 218 7777 and ask them if you meet the rule for form E106.
Another thing you ought to consider is to continue paying you NI contributions which will go towards your UK pension, you can opt to pay Class 3 rate which should give you a full pension from the UK as well as one from Spain if you work here. The people I quote above will also be able to tell you about this to.
If you want any more help and I can give it to you please feel free to contact me either here or via email.
I have just found this site which might be of help though some of there information is a little out of date but it will give you some idear.
If you are going to go for private health care here it is much cheaper than the UK for the same kind of service, you might like to look at this as well even though I do not use them I got a very good quote. They are the Spanish version of BUPA so if you have cover with them and you visit the UK you will be able to use the BUPA hospital over there.
Edited by
2005-04-23 15:15:41
I would second the idea of paying Class 3 voluntary contributions. I have done so ever since I left the UK 13 years ago, and having not found continuous work, I am glad that at least I have a UK pension of sorts to look forward to in later life!
I am sure that there may well be a 'diabetics club' in the part of Spain you have decided to live in - and probably there will be English speaking members. Don't hesitate to get their opinions on local food ingredients/proportions ... and they may be able to offer good news as to which restaurants will suit you well and quality food outlets.
Under EU rules you are entitled to full medical cover in Spain (without payment) the same as you are in the UK.
I'm still waiting to be convinced of that!
Well I can tell you it is true because I have got the required called for me a CatSalut issued by Departament de Sanitat i Seguretat Social. It took a bit of time to get but we got it in the end. As I said on another post the Seguretat i Social all know about it as say that you are fully entitled to it but they try and put as many objects in you way when you try and get it, you just have to keep pushing and pushing and in the end it will happen.
I am not working below retirement age but I do have Spanish residency not that that makes any difference to you getting it. We even had a massive problem trying to get it for my wife and she is Spanish with a Spanish DNI.
Im also interested to find out more regarding the pension side too, am i correct in thinking if i pay Class 3 contributions back here even though im resident in Spain i can get a UK pension when i retire as well as my Spanish one?
Im also interested to find out more regarding the pension side too, am i correct in thinking if i pay Class 3 contributions back here even though im resident in Spain i can get a UK pension when i retire as well as my Spanish one?
Yes you are 100% correct if you do not keep up with your class 3 payments you will not get a full UK pension so it is very important to do this ASAP. Then as you say you will get 2 pensions 1 form the UK and the other from Spain. You need to register yourself with the overseas section.
If you keep an eye on this post I will find the full info for you on who/what/where etc you have to contact.
As promised the information on pension etc.
You need to contact the following....
Inland Revenue
Centre for Non-Residents
Room BP1301
Benton Park Viev
Newcastle Upon Tyne,
NE98 1ZZ
Tel +44 (0)191 225 5606
Ask the to send you booklet SA29 and any other information that will help with you situation. When you talk to the you will need to quote your NI number so have it handy it will save time.
They work Monday to Friday 07:30 to 17:00. They also have a web address which is
Hope this helps you and anybody else on here.
Going back to the healthcare service for a minute, I'd like to point out that things may vary between the different regions in Spain. I say this because I live in Galicia and our healthcare is provided by SERGAS. My girlfriend, who is Spanish decided to give up work when we decided to start a family and we found out that three months after leaving work her healthcare was withdrawn because nobody was paying for it. She now has cover under my card, but if we had not noticed, we would have to pay for the birth costs. What we were told was that if you are not eligable to receive a health card, due to not paying into the system, there is emergency cover within Galicia under what is called option 28. If one travels outside Galicia however under option 28 and need healthcare, one has to pay for it.
I take it by you comments that you live and work out here that is why your girlfriend is able to get cover via yourcard.
It does not matter what area you are in you must go to the local Social Security for your area with you E106 form and register that which will cover you for a period of time until you start work. If you come out here without needing to get a job you are still entitled to full medical cover from the Spanish medical service in the same manner as you got in the UK. They may try to put a lot of objections in the way but you just have to keep going at them, they canot say no being members of the EU.
I'm still waiting to be convinced of that!
I have the feeling that what may be generally available in comunidades like Madrid, Catalunya and Pais Vasco (the richer ones) may well not be available in the poorer regions like Galicia, Andalucia or the Canaries.
Epidurals for childbirth only became available for all here in Galicia this year. It has been available in Madrid since the late sixties.
It may be another local thing but I understood that a partner would only be covered if you are married.
I pay social security here in Almeria and was informed that my wife needed her own social security card to be able to register with the local doctor.
We then went ot Almeria with all the correct forms (so we thought)only to be told that we needed a translation (into Spanish) of the marriage certificate.
Not sure if this was correct or a way to get rid of us quickly when it had already passed 2 o'clock.
Shall now get my gestoria to deal with it but it still appears to be necessary to be marriedfor a partner to be covered.

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