I have loads of questions to ask about a twin center holiday!
I only have a Tradewinds brouchure at the moment, my partner and i, both in our twenties are looking to go on this holiday sometime in early 2007, (ages away i know but already excited!). We think that the best time to go looks like March/April time?? Tradewinds offer three options for hotels etc, but we cant decide between option two which is 3 nights in Dubai at the Jebel Ali golf resort and spa then onto Kuredu Island resort for 6 night. The other option is three nights at the Jumeirah Beach hotel then onto The Lily Beach resort for 6 nights. Both the Dubai hotels look stunning so we do not mind which one of them we go to but we can't decide between the Maldives destinations.
We are looking for a small quiet place with a stunning beach (applies to all maldive islands i know!). We would both like to go scuba diving having had three 10meter dives in Tunisia last year although we didnt do a course so have no qualification and only going for 6 nights wont give us time to do one in the Maldives either. We would also like the destinatoin to have a good reef for snorkelling close to shore. We will most likely go for a water villa/bungalow, just because i really want to wake up, go outside and step straight into water!!!!! (Sorry, just seems so dream like!).
Both the destinations are an AI board.
The thing is im not sure if either if these destinations is best? What Maldive island does my wish list best describe?
Does anyone know of any other travel companies that do these twin centers?? but with other maldive destinations. The one essential point is that tradewinds use Emirates airline for this and they fly from Glasgow (we are in the NE of Scotland) so this is really important, and Emirate economy class sounds as though it is comfy enough as we cant afford to upgrade. I have so many other questions but i think this is enough for now.

Many thanks in advance for any help you can give!