Greece and other Greek Island Discussion Forum

Discussions regarding holidays in Greece and other Greek Islands.
7 Posts
I hate mozzies! I'm one of those people no matter what I do Iwill always get bitten at least once on holiday. All the greek Islands will have mozzies cos of the gorgeous weather, but some worse than others. We have spray and plug ins which helps (as does air conditioning as the windows are shut at night). Also don't wear perfume or hairspray. My hubbie doens't get bit at all, while I'm lucky to get to end of hol without it happening - then it will usually happen on last night or morning as we go to airport!! Still Skiathos in just over 2 weeks armed with mozzie stuff but its worth it! :D
Oh, they are a pain aren't they? :(

A citronella candle is a good idea if you're sitting out on your balcony at night I and lots of HT members swear by using Avon SSS woodland dry oil spray. Use if after showering and moisturising.
Mossies love me and if I get bitten I have a bad reaction but I can honestly say that hand on heart I've not been bitten since I starting using this 2 years ago. It really does work.
My wife also seems to be a target for mosquitoes but has also used Avon Skin So Soft Woodland recently to good effect. It's always difficult to know exactly what works as there are sometimes more mosquitoes around certain places and at certain times according to weather, location etc.
I recommend you use one of the plug ins in your room that burns a small bottle of liquid rather than the ones that burn tablets.
Citronella spray and candles are also useful but I suggest you should also use a repellent such as Jungle Formula and re-apply it during the evening if you are aware there are mosquitoes around.
I have citronella spray would theat be enough? or would you all recomend more? :fly
We find that the plug ins with tablets work perfectly well for us and we hardly ever have a mossie in the room provided the tablets are changed everyday.
A spray of Jungle Fever around the ankles is necessary for the evenings though, as sitting in outside restaurants seem to be the worst time for receiving bites.
Hi all,
when going out at night buy some of the coils that you light and place one under your table you can also get a solid block of citronella from the bettaware catologue that looks like an air freshener just place it on your table.An finally we use cittronella oil from holland and barretts just put a few drops in a atomiser shake the bottle and spray all uncovered parts.

tolon :D
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