Eloisa, sorry to hear about this. I can't offer any advice, but hope you get sorted and feel better soon.
Eloisa, I hope it has helped sharing this with others it can't have been easy for you and I wish you all the best at getting it sorted when you get your test results
I got my blood test results back today and they are all clear so at least I know I'm not anaemic which is a bonus.
Thanks again to all of you, I'll let you know Friday what the rest of the results are.
I got my blood test results back today and they are all clear so at least I know I'm not anaemic
That`s really good news.
Hang on in there....it won`t be long now.
Besos xxx

Cryptosporidium was the reason I got onto this site....How you may ask? Well, I was looking up a certain hotel in Alcudia with a view to going there when I found out that there had been an outbreak of cryptosporidium traced to the swimming pool. Loads of people fell ill and so we booked a different hotel ( with good reviews courtesy of our very own HT)

Yes it did eventually go. My son was given anti-biotics because of his auto-immune disorder but the doctor said they don't usually help. They didn't give them to me. It did eventually go away on its own but we both suffrered very painful stomach cramps on and off for months afterwards. We believe we got it from Tropical World in Leeds, avery hot humid attraction with loads of animals/birds etc. At one place in there, there is a waterfall and we splashed water from it into our faces to cool off. I had the water board out to test our home supply which was clear, it was environmental health who suggested Tropical World and looking back it made sense. Neither of us have had any long term effects so the very best of luck to you, whatever they decide it is!


Aah that must be frustrating Ellie, it's better knowing whats wrong than to not. I hope you manage to get it sorted, let us know how it goes.

In the meantime, if anyone can recommend something that might help me feel less exhausted I'd be very grateful, I think half my problem is that I'm so tired I can't think straight and I really need to get back to work full time.
I have been waiting all day for you to post.
My doctor wants to send off another sample as he is still convinced that it is a parasite but I'm not sure if it is worth it.
Go with your doctors gut feeling, what have you got to loose? you have been through the embarrassment of the sample routine once, so this should be easier next time.
Not knowing is worst than Knowing in my way of thinking.
So, what is going to change from today?
Are you on any different medication.?
Do you feel any better physically.?
I don`t know what you feel about the treatment that you have received from your Doctor, but maybe it is time to Demand some drastic and immediate action from him...after all. how long can this go on.?
I presume he still thinks it is a parasite that has attached itself to your intestines.?
Re think time, me thinks.
besos xxx
Nothing is going to change, I still feel sick and tired ALL the time, he has suggested that I take something like berocca to help with the tiredness, if you can offer any advice on this I would appreciate it. I have no idea what else it could be, if I go back to the doctor what else can he do? I am more than happy to send off another sample of anything they want if it will help!
Ellie...if there is a hospital near you that has a microbiology dept, ask your GP to refer you to the consultant in the Dept for their opinion. Do you have a school of Tropical medicine nearby ? That's another possibility.
I would imagine so as it is quite a large hospital. Forgive my ignorance but what exactly does a microbiologist do?
He is the doctor in charge of investigating and isolating infections, bacteria and parasites etc. I used to be , amongst other things a medical lab scientific officer in the Microbiology lab.We analysed the specimens, identified the bacteria or parasites, and tested them against antibiotics to see which drugs would kill the bacteria etc. Our consultant was a doctor specifically trained in this field.
My nearest hospital is the ryal sussex county in brighton on the south coast, don't know if you have heard of it but it is pretty big as I said, I believe that would be where they looked at the samples I sent.

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