Just wondering if the credit card machines work in Lake Garda. When we were in Sorrento 2 years ago, amazingly the restaurants were unable to process our credit cards so we had to pay in cash.
Do you think this was anything to do with the 3% commission they pay on credit card payments???!
Is this the case in Lake garda? I.e. do we need to carry more cash?
I really wouldn't have thought you would have a problem with this in the Lake Garda area ... but always ask before purchasing - E possibile di comprare qui con una carta di credito per favore? (Eh poss-ee-billy dee com-prar-ey kwi con oona carta dee cred-ee-to per favore?) Or they'd probably understand if you asked them in German too! Certainly you shouldn't run short of holes in the wall for the real thing over there! Have a great time!