Hi there
without going into too much detail and boring you i am awaiting
for a visa application from the american embassy bit it is getting very close to the date the final payment is due to the tour company, they have gave me another seven days grace but as the deposit i paid is non refundable i could loose it so i am looking at a backup plan of trying to change destination if visa not sorted soon,it was for disney florida for me my wife and 3 boys age 12-16 so i would appreciate suggestions for an alternative to florida ,(paris) not interested at all ,we have never been out of the uk before or been on a plane come to that but we want a holiday to remember
Hmmm difficult this 1 i think.
However considering the ages of the children Mexico could be an option.
Or what about Salou (Costa Daurada) there they have universal studios and a theme park?
Mexico is cheap at the moment, the daytrips are good and of course there is the chance to swim with dolphins.
Hope this is a start for you.
Cheers Ken.

reply to bridd, the tour operater is called charter travel i only booked the flights through them as they were the cheapest virgin were doing a special all kids up to age seventeen got fares at child prices £229
+taxes the villa i arranged my self.
reply to gopher, never thought of mexico ,costo daraudo i have never heard of but sounds ok ,i will look into it and i assume it will be very hot so i would have to look into buying a sombrero bigger than me as i dont think i could cope with heat above a 100
thanks for suggestion
Phew had me worried on your question.
Salou will be a pleasant sort of heat around this time of the year.
With regards to Mexico temperature i think you will be surprised.
It very rarely gets to 100F, we recommend that visits between March and beginning of June are the best times for weather and heat.(average temp 30-35C)
Do remember if you decide on Mexico that the sun index is 7 times stronger than that of the Med.What alot of people forget is when they visit Mexico the sun may feel warm but its the strength of sun's rays.
My wife has good skin protection but she started our holiday on factor 15.
Me(old pale face)

Wherever you decide always apply the cream at regular intervals.
Finally I do hope your original plans fall into line,however if it does go wrong which i hope it doesn't,at least we have been able to get you started looking for other locations.
Cheers Ken.

when temp would be around 80s so hopefully i am after the same dates if i have to alter plans next week and beleive me ime ready for a holiday after working from 730 am to 6-8 pm 7 days a wk well most weeks for last few yrs anyway
I also agree with Salou, our children loved it last year

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