hmmm late deals were a total waste of time. Especially as it looked very likely that we would end up with a dump of a 2* or 3* s/c apartment and would be with every nutter and his sister getting drunk until 5am!

In my opinion not worth the
minimum £310 pp they wanted (when you add in all the extra fees). The only real value was AI but we didn't really want to be tied to the hotel all week.
I've managed to book DIY today after a long struggle admittedly.
Flights; Gatwick to Alicante 6th Aug - 13th Aug £495 for 3 of us
Apartment; £375 for a late deal on 2 bed apart in Javea (or £435 for B&B in an lovely 3 bed villa in Javea) we are still undecided about which one to go for as the villa may be too quiet for our daughter.
Car hire for the week - £105 booked as a special with the flight.
Total; £975 or £1035 depending on the accom we choose. I don't mind paying these prices as we've got the holiday we want. £345 each isn't bad.
I usually book DIY and I'm glad I have again this time, I don't think I'll ever bother with a package holiday again. They're a rip off.