Tunisia Discussion Forum

Discussions regarding holidays in Tunisia.
hi , your question about vaccinations for tunisia, we go on 14 Aug and had to have:- Hepatitis A
Diphtheria/ Tetanus
Polio Booster
We had to have these 8 weeks before travel so if you are going end of aug i would get them asap

sorry cant help with other questions only its our first time there hope this was some help

Paul :D
money is obtained at the airport on arrival..make sure you keep the official receipt to change anything back...exchange rate is fixed in Tunisia so dont worry..your hotel will change money for you..same again make sure you have a receipt..everything else read my reports under Hammamet Village/Le Saphir hotel report


where i gave an insight into the country and hammamet etc etc

..money only goes as far as your prepared to pay or allow yourself to be charged...bartering can be difficult so if in doubt use the government shops run by ONAT.

Sight seeing depends on how far you want to go etc..but desert trip is good if you are fairly healthy.

Food is genrally good and always fresh with a tendency to be French as is the 2nd language.

Check out local customs as it is not like Europe and you could end up in trouble or offend someone by say being a bit camera keen.
I have been three times and suffered no ill effects, and i was advised by my local travel health clinic that i did not need any at all.I think some clinics make a lot of money from not needed vacccinations.


Daveyboy 8)
Hi, we have been to Tunisia many times and have never needed to have any jabs at all for any visits there. We have never been ill as a result of food or anything else. All we needed was some mozzie repellant as they are rife at this time of year!!

You get about 2 dinars to the pound and the exchange rate is the same wherever you go, it's set by the government. Make sure you keep your receipts and you can change it back at the airport, but notes only and you will lose 30% of it too!! Hotels will change money for you, sterling notes and travellers cheques. Shopping is a bit of a shock in Tunisia!! They like you to haggle and it can get a bit intense so I do agree it's best to start of in one of the fixed price shops where they leave you alone to browse. The Tunisian men can be a bit forward also, especially if you have young ladies in your group but they are harmless really and a firm attitude and a bit of a joke with them is usually all that's needed to get them to back off!! Drinks can be expensive to buy as it is a Muslim country but the odd supermarket does sell it if you need a bottle or two, there is a supermarket in Port El Kantaoui just past the noddy train stop that sells cheap booze etc. Cigarettes are really cheap but lots of brands you may not recognise. Tunisia is very different to Spain, no Macdonalds etc but you either love it or hate it!! We love it as the people are very friendly. Hope this helps you out a bit!!!
hi again

With referance to vaccinations they are not compusary but they are recommended, its up to the person who travels, we had ours carried out at our doctors for which there was no charge!!!! :)
Many thanks to all of your advise , We have updated our innocculations, On the NHS. for free . The practise nurse gave us all the advise we needed. So thank you v. much .

My other question is is there a big mozzie problem in tunisia ,we go end of Aug to mic Sept. They do love me ! I do take precautions , But I will go better armed if there is a major prob. (nearly got eaten alive in corfu some years ago). :?

Can anyone tell me what injections are actually required for travelling to Tunisia?

Details from the Dept of Health HERE

luci :wave
Just had a look at that website and it says :-

Hep. A Typhoid* = r
Yellow Fever = E3

r = Immunisation or tablets recommended for protection against disease, but note that for Yellow Fever, pregnant women and infants under nine months should not normally be immunised and therefore should avoid exposure to infection.

E3 = Immunisation essential if the traveller arrives from an infected country or area (this will not apply if your journey is direct from the UK). The lower age limit varies.

I'm not sure what this means
It means that Hep A and typhoid are recommended. However you will not need yellow fever:
this will not apply if your journey is direct from the UK


luci :wave
thanks, I will get on to the docs now then!
My doc's reccomended Hep A & Typhoid... but when I went for them the nurse found I was behind in others & ended up getting seven!!!! Luckily they could be mixed & had only 2 jags but my arms ached for days..! But hey..thats me for another few years so well worth it!
My kids had to get one in each arm too but they were not phazed...
Better safe than sorry
I've just had my jabs done today. I had Hep A and Typhoid. one in each arm. It didn't hurt a bit but my arms are starting to feel like i've been punched quite hard. Quite hard to type now :?
I've been to Tunisia many times and never had jabs but that was my personal choice.

Mozzies are not a great problem though I never travel without Anthisan cream which is great if you do happen to get bitten - there has always been someone in the hotel or on the beach who has needed it. On a couple of occasions the sun has also brought me out with a cold sore so I usually carry something for that. as it works out cheaper than buying it in the chemist in Tunisia.
do i need to goto doctors to get any pills or needles to goto tunisia? as i dont want to be ill out there?

You will see plenty of info on here about recommended jabs but I've personally never bothered with them and haven't had any problems. Strangely enough Tunisia is the one place all my aches and pains disappear and I invariably feel well. I always travel with the usual things for upset tummies and headaches, plus plasters for blisters, antiseptic cream and Anthisan cream for insect bites. The sun can sometimes lead to cold sores so I also take something for that as well. I've been referred to as "Pat the Chemist" but I've always found other people have been more than happy to 'borrow' my supplies. :lol:
It's worth noting that medicine is so much cheaper in Tunisia, gaviscon in particular, the price there is the same in dinars as we pay in pounds. The pharmacist we talked to had excellent english, and gaviscon & paracetamol is the same in french as in english. They also do a rather good effervescent paracetamol which I found to be particularly fast acting. Next time I go out there, I'm going to stock up (how sad is that)!

We did have innoculations last year, there was a good thread on this site which you could maybe do a search for. It helped us make up our minds last year.

Have a lovely holiday when it comes
Holiday Truths Forum

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