Hi folks, very interested in this thread having got back early hours of Sunday morning after a week's hol in Paphos with massive delays both ends, 4.5 hours going out and 8.5 hours coming back - Cyprus Airways being the culprits. My understanding of the latest EU regs is that as the delay - albeit some pasengers, including my daughter, saw the LED display actually showing 'cancelled' - are that we should have been offered a refund of the ticket price as well as the flight home. Opinions would be appreciated. The regs can be found here -
EU Regs
My detailed report below -
On Sat Oct 8th I set off with my daughter and my 6mth old grandaughter for a week in Paphos from Manchester. We got to check-in at around 12.30 for 15.45 flight, about 9th in the queue. The check-in people eventually got to their desks, then promptly sat with arms folded chatting for about 20 mins. Finally, a CA rep arrived to tell us there was a delay on the flight, but as they did not know how long, they were awaiting further info before opening the desks, so that they could tell us the exact situation when we checked in.
Desks opened approx 1.30, to tell us that there was a 3 hour delay on the flight and vouchers given for £7.00 each (not the baby!) for a meal. Great, a delay - just what we needed with a 6mth old! However, we stoically waded through the afternoon and into the evening, this after particularly choosing CA for the good flight times with the baby!! Finally boarded around 6.30 - 7.00 p.m.After the usual half hour delay checking numbers, fuels, manifests etc, pilot came on to give some details about the skies over Europe being busy, culminating in yet another hour sitting on a very hot plane with a restless 6mth old! However, eventually took off around 8.30 p.m, a mere 4.75 hours late. We arrived at our apartment at 4.00 a.m. Cy time!!!!
We had a prettygood weeks hol, arriving at Paphos airport at 9.15 a.m. the following Saturday for the 11.45 a.m. flight to Manchester, from Larnaca. Again, about 9th/10th in queue. We had only been there about 15 minutes when a CA rep arrived to tel us 'some very bad news about the flight'. It was 'delayed' until 18.45 p.m.(although several travellers,including my daughter did see the LCD display showing 'Cancelled') would be going from Larnaca and that we would have to wait until check-in close time when all passengers would presumably be there, at which point we would be bussed to Larnaca. Great joy! I expressed my concern re feed for the baby - although she also has solids, she still has several bottles of formula, and I knew the extra we had brought would barely last the extended journey. Little help from the Paphos CA staff, they did not have 'those facilities'. One lady did check the VIP lounge as they sometimes have it there, but to no avail. She assured me the staff at Larnaca would help. Buses duly arrived just before 11.00 a.m., were delayed departing by two forward-thinking couples who were registering their complaint with CA staff at Paphos, as armed with new EU regs, they knew they would be entitled to compensation. By the time we got to Larnaca, the whole bus knew the ins & outs of claiming the compen!! The rest of us knew we needed to register the complaint with the Larnaca CA staff for proof of the delay. We all duly checked in, to be told that they thought the departure time would be 18.45, but gave us vouchers for a 'meal'. We all then trooped to the CA 'Customer Services' desk - some misnomer this!! to register our complaints, little joy, other than to be told that as they did not know the precise time of the delay, they could give us no official confirmation, but we would receive a letter at the boarding gate.
The greatest customer relations attitude I have ever seen (NOT!!!)was that displayed by ****, the Customer Services Supervisor, when I asked about provision for the baby, given the 'loose' departure time, I was still concerned that we would not have enough feeds for her. The attitude of Ms *** was something to behold!! CA did not provide this 'service'she said. When I told her it was not a 'service' I was asking for, but merely provision for the baby as well as the adults in the party, given that I had paid £30 for her, even with no seat, she asked me what I expected them to do. I said, 'whatever it takes to make the formula milk available for her, given that this - so far -
7 hour delay was entirely the fault of
Cyprus Airways. 'Oh no, we do not provide that, it is your fault, you should know with travel today that delays are possible, you must provide this'. I then repeated that we had in fact prepared extra feeds, but regardless of the situation and whose fault it was, we now had a 6 mth old baby who quite possibly, due purely and simply to the problems
Cyprus Airways had now created, would possibly not have sufficient food to last the journey, even though we had packed extra, just in case (albeit not expecting the 8/9 hour delay which eventually transpired!!) Her answer was to shrug her shoulders and say 'no, no, no, we do not provide this service it is your fault' and flatly refused to do anything to help, nor to put me in touch with anyone who could. Admittedly, had we been thinking on our feet at that point instead of panicking, we could then have got a taxi into Larnaca and presumably found somewhere where we could have got some additional formula, even though it would not have been the SMA she was used to. However, we unfortunately were in 'panic mode' and so did not do this and instead went through passport control.
There we went to have our magnificent repas, no monetary value, simply a 'meal' - a salad or something from the 'steam' counter (not both, heaven forbid!) and a drink. My daughter made the mistake of choosing a bottle of still orange, only to be sent back to get something from the drink dispenser, commercial bottles of drinks not permitted!!!! This was in stark contrast to the facilities at Manchester the week before where we had simply been given vouchers for £7.00, no restrictions, and indeed, found it difficult to actually spend that amount, having chosen substantial meals and bottled/canned drinks!
Having spent a magnificent 6/7 mosquito-ridden hours at Larnaca airport, the flight revised to 19.25, we eventually boarded. The flight staff I have to say were consideration itself, but after having been sitting on the plane for about 30 minutes, the pilot came on to tell us that as 2 passengers had failed to board, they would now have to try to locate them, and if not, remove their luggage. I have never seen such blue air on a plane before!!
We eventually took off around 20.30. the problem having been apparently an 'administration error', the couple concerned having actually flown to Paris in the morning!!! Finally arrived home at 1.15 a.m. for myself and 2.00 a.m for my daughter and the baby, the formula bottles just managing to last supplemented by more jars of food than she had ever had before! Her equilibrium remained very very good most of the time I have to say, apart from going up and coming down when it was a trifle difficult to get her to drink to alleviate pressure!
Some questions for the gurus out there -
1) Based on the published EU regs, displayed in both Paphos & Larnaca airports - we would seem to have a claim for a refund as the delay was over 5 hours. However, someone in the party suggested that after 8 hours, it is simply an insurance claim. Does anyone have concrete knowledge on this please?
2) Were any members on that flight - CY506 from Larnaca via Paphos, to Manchester 15 Oct, 11.45 a.m. Paphos, 10.35 a.m. Larnaca?
3) One person on the flight (Larnaca) said his daughter, who is a rep there, told him in advance that this delay would happen as it is apparently happening all the time with CA. Again - does anyone have any concrete knowledge of this?
4) Anyone have a contact name at CA for a complaint other than simply Customer Services?
Thanks for taking the time to read this, any help or info would be appreciated. Along with the rest of the flight, I am determined to do whatever I can to ensure CA pays for this. This is not the first mammoth delay I have had with CA, I will now never ever fly with them again, The premium I paid over other airlines was a waste of money - I did not get the convenient daytime flights I required for travelling with a young baby.
*edit member of staff name removed - Glynis*