@bawbee: Thank you for your comments, so far.
If I've gathered one thing above others when looking at buying in Tenerife, it's the difficulty of ploughing through the red tape and multitude of laws and pitfalls. How, precisely could I go about the process without using an agency; which promises a 'door-to-door' service? If I use the agency to find and initiate the sale, can I not use my own Tenerife lawyer as part of that process? I understand your point about going for the property as a priority, as 'exclusive agency deals' seem to be the exception rather than the rule.
The problem I've found with pre-selecting properties on the internet is:
1 ) You cannot be sure if they are out-of-date or not in most cases
2 ) The up-to-date sites deal almost exclusively in holiday-rental investment apartments/complex housing in tourist resorts. This is not the kind of property we are looking for.
If you have some links to current sites that have proven trustworthy - please post them
I would love to take a month or two to look for properties, but it's damned expensive for 2 people to stay on the Island, and our investment income will not be released until we move. To be honest, getting our 'foot in the door' with a less-than-ideal, but marketable property allows us to either move up, or give up, after a couple of years without compromising ourselves irrevocably. Obviously, there's a balance here; a crappy place will make up give up, but an unmarketable, but ideal place would close down our options.
Your comments on the advisibility of taking the car are a little confusing. We plan to take only a cars-worth of goods when we move, Driving to Cadiz, then taking the ferry seemed like a good idea. If we ditch the car after 6 months (not even try to sell it for a good price - I don't mean dump it :-) ), the financial hit will be ~£3000. What is the financial hit of registering it with TF plates? BTW, I have no problem with RHD cars - my last car was a LHD Golf, which I drove in the UK for 3 years or so. We're not planning to drive to Masca every day anyway :-) Perhaps selling it in mainland Spain may be more successful? Or even driving back to the UK after 6 months and selling it then? By then, its main job will be done (getting us/stuff there, and having transport during the first, crucial 6 months)