I would really appreciate it if anyone and everyone! could give me some advice.
I am about to book a holiday for October half term week for myself and my little boy who will be 5 when we go. Travel dates will be 23rd or 25th of October, bearing in mind I am paying adult fare for the 5 year old too....

I have 3 choices at the moment

1) Stalis in Crete....we have stayed here before but in September and full board, but have got a 7 day holiday self catering in 3 * apartments for a total of £390 for both of us.

2) Costa Teguise in lanzarote staying at Los Carmenes ~ 7 nights for £678 for both of us
3) Costa Teguise staying at Teguisol ~ 7 nights for £658
Other choice but not quite sure, is Fuerteventura at Corralejo which is just under £800 self catering
Big differences in price and as this is a last minute extra holiday for us this year I'd like to keep to a budget, but I have no idea what to expect about Lanzarote, Fuert or Tenerife which does have a couple of options but which are expensive...
I would really like anybody's honest opinions....as long as its warm and sunny, a nice beach, can go into the sea or the pool and a resort where we can safely walk around in the evening after dinner....obviously clubs etc doesn't matter, cos the 5 year old is a bit young...lol
Thanks to anyone
Karen x
never been to Lanzarote or any of the Canaries for that matter