I would love to hear how you get on! Perhaps Bill and carol may have something positive to tell their parents. I came so close to buying in Little Baga. I was looking at places for investment purposes but think I would have used this propeerty as well!
Thanks for your detailed reply.I really appreciate it.All I need now is to find somewhere that sells
Thanks everyone who has taken the trouble to help out. I've managed to persuade my parents not send £1500 to this guy. He may be geniune but we know nothing about him. When asked for a web address he said he has'nt got a website in case someone copies his graphics! When asked if other people who bought from him were satisified he told my parents that he would send them testomonials from other satisifed customers when he has recieved their cheque! However, they are still very interested in buying in Goa. They are going to go there after christmas with a view to buying, so if anyone can be of any futhur help it would be much appreciated. Thanks
Glad to hear house prices are shooting up!!! that what i like to hear!!! (from a purely selfish pioint of view of course!!!) not that I am in the least surprised they have been climbing steadily for a couple of years now.
I will be here till end of Jan then off for my visa trip for a couple of weeks. Give me a shout when they are coming and I can have a chat and tell them all the bits and bobs when they arrive. The residency requirements, soliciters etc.

Hi Chillyyyyyyy................have to run.............
there is a rumour around that IKEA are opening a store in goa in Nov 05...
Just found this site after trawling through all the othes ! I think it's a great idea to have a site specifically for owners and long stay people! I have a place at Highland beach and would especially welcome speaking to anyone there. I am interested in buying a few items of furniture and like some of the Indian stuff that's exported to UK, no point in buying here obviously to send out there and I do have an address of the manufacturers in Rajahstan with a view to getting items sent directly to Goa from Raj has anyone experience of doing this please? Would also like to hear of anyones experiences on the 5yr visa situation, I have for the last two years had a I yearX visa but havn't stayed in the country long enough to try and extend it yet !
thanks mike
What are you looking for? House-apartment? Seaside-countryside-investment-residential-quiet-busy? 1/2/3 bed?
let me know, I might be able to help.
would prefer a house but apparently there is more red tape to deal with my preference would be 3 bed house not to far from beach shops and bars etc will consider an apartment though
new build or older
I bought a house and some apartments......I found the process the same. If you want to PM me I could give you some places to look at, one is 200 metres from Beach (2 bed) between Baga and Calangute. Another is a development 5 min walk to Calangute beach. Apartments. I know the builder and he is straight. He has a 2 bed 3rd floor at the moment. He will start a new block soon and then may have a 3 bed. Let me know your budget and I will keep an eye out for you.
We are moving to Goa in Jan. has anyone had experience of shipping to Goa? We have got quotes from shipping companies,all of them will pick up from our address in U.K but none of them will deliver to our address in Arpora. The nearest we can get it to is the port in Mumbai, then we have to arrange with their agents there to get it to Goa ourselves. The reason is that none of them can predict what taxes (if any) we will be charged, there is also the possibility that we will have to produce our passports, meaning a trip up to Mumbai.
How did it go getting your long term visa? I'm going back on 10th November and 30th March and would prefer to get a long term visa rather than keep getting 6 month ones. Even a one year one would be brill. If you got it, what paperwork did you need to produce to prove you own the property? And how much more does it cost? Any info greatly appreciated!!
Is it easier now to live there than before?
If we were to work, what would our options be? Heard of horror stories last Xmas while we were there of British etc who run restaurants/guest house etc who have nothing but problems from either the locals or the Indians and were considering returning to UK.
Sorry for all the questions.
Oh, and how true is it about Ikea?
Thanks in advance.
We didn't manage to get a longer visa, we didn't have our "no objection certificate" we should get it when we go on the 27th of this month when the house is completed.
We got a 6 month x visa which we should be able to extend at the FRO in Panjim, we will find out when we are there hopefully! I will let you know when we get back.
I'm particularly interested in a 2 bed apartment for a 12 month period. Not looking for a 5* type place but should be reasonably decent.
Many thanks
just as a guide i found that you can get a 2 bed apartment not in candalim though for about £95 per month
BAM, I saw your query on DIY on Indian forum, we have taken drills, screwdrivers ect out with no problem, as long as they are in case. You can buy them there but electrical goods can be expensive,
I am in the middle of buying an apartment at Little Baga in Goa. The developers will arrange for a furniture package to be installed but at around £4800 it is more expensive than I was told it would be. I am looking to get air conditioning and fully furnish the apartment to a standard that would allow me to rent it out. I am not sure how to go about this in a country I have not yet visited and would be grateful for any information or websites anybody out there could give me.
Many Thanks.

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