Found the info I got from the RBI
I actually brought with a estate agent, but it was the estate agents own house!!!
he is selling buisness and moveing away from calangute, so he gave me a super deal.
To tell the truth, for what I paid i dont mind keeping it for years to sell! I may get the investment back through rental, and maybe try to sell in 5 years or so.
Thanks in advance.
hi can anybody help we were not to sure how you pay for your electric on 2 bed appartment do you get a bill or do you pay a set amount each mounth
And, Carol, re the estate agent info you just supplied: I have just heard that homes and estates is now charging Rs 300 per viewing or Rs 5000 for viewing as many as you like, though they do have other properties besides buildings in their repertoire. However, the info I have in the past week from several people who have been registered since last year with them, is unsatisfactory. They say that they paid the Rs 5000 reg fee but haven't been shown anything relevant to their specs. Since I'll be putting my Aldona rental on the market, I'm now checking out 3 other agencies: Easy Livin, Libragoa, and an individual agent, Christina Pinto Rosario.
Stay tuned for verdict.
Yes, they are the agents I am talking about.
I am also selling a property at the moment but am not putting it in the hands of agents at all. I am told if you give agents a price they will put a huge price on top and put off most who see it. That is what I am told. They just need one big one to pay for all the refusals. Perhaps there are exceptions. What I would like is an agent who will take a reasonable percentage (2/3) and sell it at my price. Does'nt seem to exist here. Maybe you know one? I will rely on word of mouth (telling some hotel and taxi guys I know) and put it on the net and see how that goes.
I also used shubalaksmi Naik (teethbreaking name) and found her ok. Have to watch her paperwork, found a few little mistakes. She is straight up and to the point but very busy. Patience needed.
Sorry Maggie.........Masc!!!!! head is up my you know wotsit at the moment.
Find the notification on foreign nationals buying property.
There is a clause that states that any person of non-indian origin needs RBI ( Reserve Bank of India ) permission to buy property in Goa. If you buy the property without RBI permission you wont be able to sell it !
Dr. Ambert
If anyone is interested, an english couple and their son are now based in Goa, and have set up an estate agency business. It is called The Goan Estate Agency and their office is located at the Ali Baba shopping mall on the Baga Road. Roy, Angie and Andrew - very nice folks from Cheshire.
Hi, Goandentist - thanks for the info on fema rules -- as I have stated earlier in this topic the ruling is that foreigners can purchase a property in india by way of a lease and do not require permission from the " Reserve Bank of India" however to gain the freehold of the same property you do have to satisfy the conditions set by the Reserve Bank of India - that is amongst other criteria - (a)the infamouse 182 day rule - (b) that you purchased the lease with foreign currency - keep bank transferes - (c) that you can sustain yourself in India without employement - etc. Currently many brits live in India and Goa in their own homes and are having no real problems aside from gaining residency in the first place - therefor anyone who wants to buy in goa and are perhaps too young to realisticely contemplate gaining residency can and will almost always have to purchase a lease, which effectively means tying up your capital for a number of years - but as I have said before --- if you can`t afford to lock the money away or perhaps!!!!!! lose it -Don`t buy - rent instead. Brian
some good points there bam cheers thats what i thought but so many people interpret things differently which amazes me considering so many have already purchased
i,m glad your parents didnt send 1500, i had some infomation from him also , dead dodgy , i am taking a trip to goa to look at property in mid january , i,m trying to arrange some veiwings . it,s not easy getting infomation about retiring and buying in goa , but i,m going armed with alot of questions , i am ready to buy ,but not unless i am happy . i read that you can only buy within a certain tax period , lots of stuff about visa and residency . i think once you'v got through the red tape it will be worth it . anyone with any infomation regards retireing / buying in goa i would be gratefull
good luck to your parents carol
lynne [/b]
How do people who are here for two weeks' holiday say they have 'bought' an apartment ?? I am trying to transfer ownership of a vehicle and the RTO want 11 documents from me, including utility bills and bank statements, affidavits etc etc etc !!!! I just don't understand the bureaucracy here
I am a newbie on this forum and it may well be that someone can steer me towards a better one.
We are thinking of going into a possible business partnership with a Goan Company that owns land and property there. Our UK based Limited Company would buy shares in the Indian Pvt Company and any transfer of funds out would be from the Indian Company to our UK registered one. This is not a question about business as such as it would be our intention to buy in Goa and possibly to live there - but the property would be owned by the business and not by us personally.
Has anyone got any ideas about this please? We would also welcome any feedback about what is going on around Betel Beach. I have some experience of Goa having been there in the early 70's - I even have a daughter named Colva!
steer you to a better one dont think that will go down well
The rto is looking for a bribe, however he won't accept a bribe from you. To do this you will need to get an agent. He will have an arrangement with the rto and he will give the bribe for you. You will have to pay him as well. It cost me 1000 rupees to have a bike transfered to another name. You will need some of that paperwork but not all if you are giving a bribe. He will bury you in paperwork if you don't. If you have patience and a lot of time on your hands and are a strong character you will eventually do it without a bribe but with a fight. That is the system here. I now choose my fights. Can't spend my life fighting eh? And you would in India if you tried to do everything straight as I am sure you are finding out.

Yeah Well, What I meant was I don't expect eveyone to know all the in's and out's of Company Law - I sure don't and I'm the MD!
Re: the partnership with a Goan company. What do you know about them? Goa? Property agents are a new thing in Goa so what are their credentials? If they are partners in the business and the business owns your house then the house is not entirely yours to sell if you wish to leave or just sell it. Goan's are incredibly clannish and if you run into any problems with them you will get no support from any legal or otherwise in acting against a Goan.
Be careful................take your some research. Live here for a couple of years until you know that you want to settle here. It is not an easy place to live. Grand for a holiday but otherwise...........
Hi - VirtualAlchemist - don`t really know very much to help you - just to say welcome to the forum and hopefully some one on HT can give you some help - Brian

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