Thanks Guys - I don't know the company too well Carol, but it's not a property company as such - it's in the healthcare sector. I would be coming out to check things out pretty thoroughly before I did anything.
The deal is all about me acting as a consultant to a drug and alcohol rehab that they want to set up. It's what I do for a living. Being an addiction counsellor kind of means that I tend not to take everything at face value anyway - my clients don't always tell the truth! I have lived in Goa before for about 2 years around 1971. In those days you could rent a house on Colva beach for 100 R's a month. Guess that's changed eh? I remember back then trying to get married to my first wife out there - earlier today I was reading a post from somebody trying to do it now.
Doesn't look like the bureaucracy has eased up much! In fact I figure that it's probably got worse - in the 70's you didn't need a visa if you had a UK Passport!
Sounds good to me that you will be careful. I'm in that field of work myself.
I believe that Goa has completely changed since the '70's. A whole system of cheating of 'foreigners' has become institutionalised since then as I guess it has in most (newly prosperous) third world countries. In the tourist belt it is down to a fine art. The bureaucracy is part of it.
When you go out of the tourist belt it is quite different and the country people are decent and helpful just because they are (again as in most parts of the world)
It will cost you from 6 to 10 thousant rupees a month to rent an apartment here long term now. All the prices are rocketing, fuel, food, petrol. Still cheap in comparison to us of course.
Hi Carol, I'm just hanging on to see what happens in terms of a list of questions that I sent over regarding the whole proposal. The more I ask the more questions I have got! We shall see, if it's meant to be then it will happen. I had a look at your profile earlier and noted your profession - I may send you a PM later.
can anyone tell me if you can actually live in goa ? i know you have to live out there to get residency , but do you have to leave the country in order to renew your visa or can you do it in goa.
Thanks for your info. I do know that the RTO want bribes and I did send an agent. I have had a scooter transferred into our company name and I want to do the same with the car, patience is running out with these people and I refuse to give them any more money - robbing ********!
Thank you,
Does anyone know the position re visas (it's only just occurred to me that the visa position may well be different for my boyfriend). Also, what's Goa like out of season? I appreciate that once I get there I'll be able to make a more informed decisions but it'd be great to have some 'insider information' in advance. Thanks loooads in advance

as your father was born in India you can get a PIO visa that last 15 years and enables you to run a business and own property, you can downlode the form from IHC site. hope this helps.
Thanks, Peterji
what about asking for the permissiopn to buy land!
i read on some website that you can ask for permission to buy and build a residental home also for foreigner who stay shorter than 182 days!!?
is it like you can ask for permission but you want get it?
best regards
sorry, bad english i'm from austria, vienna!

will i lose the property?
can i still build on this property when i purchased the land but start building years later when i'm no more 182 days in india every year?
please help out
best regards
you have to stay for 182 days in one financial year apparently you can come and go as well now, then that will entitle you to apply for residency then, if successful you can then buy land but this would be in the next financiall year otherwise you cant buy land
ok.. and once i own this land i can build there even if it is years later and i'm no more longer than 182 days there??
i'mean if im residental i'll not lose that status??
once you have got your residency then you can stay as long as you like as you are a resident the 182 day thing is to qualify for residency
and the financal year in india next year is when?
so i just make 3 2 months holidays and next financal year everything is fine for buying!
do i have to work there to get the residency?
can i be sure to get the residency if i don't get in conflict with the law there or whatever?
happy good day
i think once you have your 182 days then you can apply for residency but you will have to provide info on how you will live etc and its not garanteed they will give it to you
I have never been to Goa, but plan on buying a apartment / villa there for staying but mostly for renting out. Can anyone give me any advice on:
Where to buy from a investment point of view
Is it easy to rent places out there and what rates
Do you think I can get a nice pad for £25000
I have been looking at a development in Little Baga, Arpora being promoted by Harlequin property and, 1 bedroom apartment for £25,000. Has anyone come across this development or company, any opinions?
Any help is much appreciated.
I Might be wrong but!! Residency alone does not mean you are guaranteed any special type of long term visa, but will I am sure help you - with detailed documentation showing you are the owner of your home in Goa - to get a longer term visa if so required. All foreign residents have to have a up to date visa. Brian
apparently they find you the property of your dreams and do all the legal bits for a fee but also could save you money .
does anybody have any advice who i can contact in goa or kerala to get information about this residency-buying-permission!
i'll be there from 1st.jan 2006!#
best regards

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