We'd originally booked to go to St Wolfgang for February, but we're getting a bit 'edgy' as we're not sure if its exactly what we're looking for. We want dramatic mountain scenery and the chance to do some winter activities, not just skiing - ie sleigh rides, walking, any other sports etc.
Just to make sure that we've made the right choice re resorts I'm ploughing though all of the brochures to do a bit of 'research'. Have come across a good deal with Thomsons in Trins Austria. It looks spot on for us - high up, LOTS of snow, magic mountain scenery, lots of sports and to top it all free skiing equipment and tuition for the week if you want it!
The hotel and prices look good too
Would be eternally grateful if anyone can give us any feedback re this area .......
Have also been tempted by Mayrhofen and Niederau ............. ahhhhhhhh ... decisions, decisions, decisions!
Many thanks to anyone who can help is out