Best thing to do is take a Nationwide debit card with you. You can use it in ATMs and restaurants the way you do at home but Nationwide don't make a charge and you'll get a better exchange rate.
Take pound notes and cash it all at once in the bank in Portugal I only paid 5 euros commision on changing £1300 and got 1.43 or 4 to £. ATMs charge you when you get your statment back home.
You will not be charged for using ATMs in Lanzarote and Nationwide will not charge you either.
I know this to be true from experience.
Halifax charge you £1.50 a time, I also know this from experience.
Do you not have safety deposit boxes where you stay, you have to look after cards, euros, cash or what ever your money is in.
I don't know where you're coming from but the days of carrying cash or travellers cheques is long gone. You wouldn't do it if you were holidaying in the UK, why should you do it when holidaying elsewhere.
Having your spending money in a bank account and taking a card that can access it for free is the way to go.
Can anyone tell me if it is better to get my euro here Marks and Spencer today is 1.42 or get it PDCarmen. Also can you tell me the best place to get cash changed.Thanks
If you use the search section of the site within the Lanza forum you can find previous topics about this very subject.
Please try these
In PDC I recall there are a couple of tobacco/booze shops very close to each other that also do exchange.
Be careful when checking out the rates. One of the shops quoted a good rate on a board outside the shop but did not make is clear that this rate was only for travellers cheques - cash was at a slightly lower rate.
hello, does anyone know any site to give you the best available exchange rates if so please post them in...
Can anyone give us a idea of what to expect as a exchange rate for cashing
Sterling Travellers Cheques and can anyone recommend any good places in
Puerto Del Carmen to exchange (we are going to be staying 5 minutes away from Macdonalds Restaurant.
Many Thanks
I can't help with what the exchange rate will be, though I think at the moment it is around 1.40. Underneath the McDonalds restaurant is a bank and a travel agent (Caravana), so you will be able to compare rates there.
Thanks Sue
si the exchange rate better over here or in cosat teguise. we are not travelling till august.
The best thing to do is forget about travellers cheques and open an account with the Nationwide. Put all your spending money in the account and you can use your card in ATMs and in shops and restaurants just like you do at home. You will not be charged for using it and you'll get a far better exchange rate.
Is it best to change sterling to euros in the UK or does one get a better rate on the Island?
See above. is a good tool for curencies. Have a good day Michael.
Just got back from PDC this morning and the rate was 144 euro it as been slowly dropping this last week .This was just up from the Casino cash or cheque any amount .
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