Hi,as I dont know your circumstances and the area you mention it is difficult for me to advise but as my son has owned 4 bars,three in Ibiza and one now on the mainland over the last ten years I do have some experience.
I would say that if you intend to borrow money to actually open a bar then you are probably on the first step down the ladder of doom.If you can get open in a reasonable position in the town,preferable with not too many A1 Hotels around you and more importantly
lots of rented out apartments close by as these are the people who spend the most.Its obvious really as hotels have food,drink and Sky Football etc.
Taxes,accountant fees,licences and worst of all paying staff's national insurance costs a fortune and for instance the starting up costs of our last bar/restaurant was over 100% over budget.
Sorry if I sound like the devils advocate but unless you start out right you could be back in the UK skint very quickly,Ive seen it happen so often and especially if you do not have any experience in this business,all the best and if you have any specific questions I can answer please ask away,John.
P.S.Re schools Ive found that if you can get your kids into a Spanish school before they have reached the age of 11 they should be OK,its extra tough for them after that.Two of my grandchildren go to school in Ibiza and at the age of 4 and 7 they are both speaking 4 languages.........