You must write to the tour operator within 28 days of your return. Send it by recorded delivery and keep a copy. They must acknowledge receipt of your letter within 14 days and then provide you with a detailed reply within 28 days.
If you have photographs or video - SEND COPIES ONLY in support of your claim - DO NOT send originals and DO NOT send original Customer Complaint Forms as these get "lost."
In your letter of complaint, of which you should keep a photocopy, specify what was wrong on your holiday and ask for compensation, but DO NOT tell the tour operator how much you want as you might think your claim is worth £200 - £300 when in reality it may be worth £2,000 - £3,000. Remember, you are not an expert and you may be denying yourself real compensation.
If you do not receive a reply from the tour operator and the tour operator is a member of ABTA you can report the tour operator to ABTA. You should also seek expert legal advice.
Beware of amateurs - there are many organisations who purport to give advice and assistance to travellers and holidaymakers. Some are very good and others are only interested in parting you from your cash. Always ask what the qualifications are of the person giving you advice. They should be qualified in law or tourism or both.
If you are not happy with the response you have received from the tour operator, consult a qualified solicitor and ask them the following questions:
(a) What are the Package Travel Regulations?
(b) What are the Warsaw Convention and the Athens Convention?
(c) What is the Montreal Convention?
(d) Do they have a successful track record in claims handling?
(e) How many of their cases settle by negotiation and how many cases go to court?
If they are evasive and they cannot give you accurate advice then do not use them, go somewhere else.
Beware of amateurs - there are many organisations who purport to give advice and assistance to travellers and holidaymakers. Some are very good and others are only interested in parting you from your cash. Always ask what the qualifications are of the person giving you advice. They should be qualified in law or tourism or both.
If you are not happy with the response you have received from the tour operator, consult a qualified solicitor and ask them the following questions:
(a) What are the Package Travel Regulations?
(b) What are the Warsaw Convention and the Athens Convention?
(c) What is the Montreal Convention?
(d) Do they have a successful track record in claims handling?
(e) How many of their cases settle by negotiation and how many cases go to court?
If they are evasive and they cannot give you accurate advice then do not use them, go somewhere else.

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