For 2 weeks I scoured the internet for info and was relieved to discover our hotel had suffered only minor damage and would 100% operational by the time of our visit.
At the end of November our tickets arrived and on the same day My Travel cancelled our trip by phone. When questioned the representatives fed us a number of different lies about curfews in Cancun and no flights being accepted all of which we clarified with the Mexican Embassy and Tourist Boards as being totally untrue.
I asked for a letter confirming the reasons for the cancellation and was told I would have to write in to request it, when I told them this was ridiculous I was told I was being "arrogant". A supervisor then promised me the letter within 7 days - 5 weeks + later I am still waiting. It is interesting that if I wish to cancel I have to write in by recorded delivery and the notification is only accepted on the day of receipt.
A full refund was offered and was promised to be done urgently. 4 days later the refund had still not been processed and we didn't receive the money for a further week. By this point there was little or no availablility for an alternative with any tour operator unless we went to a 3 star in cuba or the dominican, or had an extra £3,000 to spend all of a sudden!!!
They have ruined our xmas and my wife , my kids and I are devastated!
I have written to Rick Green the Managing Director of Direct Holidays and suggest that anyone else with a complaint does the same so that he gets an understanding of what kind of pain and suffering his company is causing. I will also involve ABTA unless they respond within the appropriate deadlines required by their membership.
Customer Service seems very low on the priority list for My Travel generally and this is not the first time we have suffered at their hands but it will be the last!

The sooner this company goes out of business the better off we will all be.