Cookie, can you not just mail them a few things? My husband is English and we are living in the US. Whenever his parents visit and occasionally they send him: Oxo, Macleans, custard, Cockles, Tea biscuits, Jaffa Cakes, Wine Gums, etc he really enjoys it! There are a lot of things we can't get here.
To the other posters, although people may live in another country, having grown up in another culture you are bound to miss some favorite foods. My husband makes a nice shepard's pie every now and then and about twice a year has custard on a pie or something and enjoys a few wine gums. Doesn't mean they can't/won't eat Bulgarian food or he won't eat American food (without tons of gravy like he grew up with!) but it's nice for a treat for him to have things from "home".
Old post, I know, but had to comment.