Where was the humour in what you said.?It was a tongue in cheek comment.
Pot-kettle interfaceChill

I didn't ask these questions of you. fact? Surely an opinion of one person, as we all perceive our experiences differently. That's what makes us human.And Yes, I can remember Tenerife before the invasion of the time-shares, and Yes, it was a better place before you had to run the gaunlet of the scratch card touts....fact !!!!
What has this got to do with these murders? Nothing whatsoever! Statements such as this only make people think that ANY timeshare tout/menial employee on the street is capable of such heinous acts, when in fact it couldn't be further from the truth. Scratch card touts wont kill you!I didn't say it wasn't a nice place....you have to learn to accept that some people do not like these pests on the Island.
precisely my point. So why throw stuff into the pot that's not at all connected?It is not paradise, and neither is it a gangers den, but underworld activities happen everywhere.....including Tenerife.
Oh come on! One gangland murder and were warning tourists that they could be next?No it won`t affect the average tourist....unless they get caught in the wrong time and place between the two fractions.....and that can happen anywhere in the world.

Your choice mate, but not everyone else's.If I took notice of the new reports on the Spanish Costa`s...then I`d never set foot in Spain again.!!!!
A kind suggestion. However I have just had one thanksGo outside and have a fag.

Don't thank me... Your welcome