we going to dreams beach resort sharm el sheikh on 13th april for a week cant wait flying from manchester got visa`s via egyption embassy in london anyone one else going same time ???
26 sleeps to go.....dog booked into kennel. injections done and calmed down, egyptian money arrived in the post, factor 8 to 25 sun cream bought, mossie spray got, aqua shoes in the post....so what else do I need??!!!
I know I'm going to probably get shouted at for going OT, but I have no idea when I'm next off to Egypt... because.... Egypt is coming to me in just 7 more sleeps!
only 7 more sleeps....... lucky you..... hope the snow has gone..... can you imagine???? At least you will have your own hot water bottle!!!
Anyay back to topic... I always feel happier when it gets under 30 days.....
not long now..... but I need a new suitcase...........