Hi, apologies if this has been asked before or if I'm asking it in the wrong place.
Is there somewhere to buy a cheap buggy in PR? Or is it less hassle to bring your own. Does anyone have any other tips for what to bring or not when travelling for 1st time with a 10-month old.
Thanks a million.
Things you need:
Parasol for afore mentioned buggy.
Lots of Sun Cream,
Baby Food (you may not get that over there ??)
Swim Nappies (Defo needed)
Any other tips just ask.
I suppose I was thinking the Baby Bjorn carrier would be handy for the flight and airport and you can't carry luggage if you're pushing a buggy anyway. I was hoping there might be baby equipment stores there in case we end up having to buy a travel cot/stroller. We're not going to a hotel/apts and it seems like a cot isn't provided.
I have the parasol, just have to remember to bring it! Ours is black, is that any disadvantage in the sun?
I have disposable swim nappies but do they sell them over there as well? I don't want to bring tons if I can avoid it. Is it better to get one of the reusable ones I wonder... And is it fine to get the regular nappies over there?
At home I only feed the baby home-cooked food - we're renting a fully equipped apartment so hopefully I can cook up a few batches of things when we get there. I suppose I'll need to bring containers to freeze her food in. Must remember to bring packets of baby rice though - I'm still breastfeeding her so that takes care of milk so thankfully we won't have to bring bottles or sterilising equipment.
Thanks a million.
Dont know about a Black Parasol .... dont think your baby would sweat under this so should be ok .. remember though that its 35 degree heat over there ??
You can buy reuseable swim nappies ... we got a couple of them in Cyprus last year and they did our wee one the whole 2 weeks ... sounds un-hygenic but they did what it says on the packet !! She didnt do anything in them that often which was a relief !!
We took a packet of 30 nappies with us but i think the Spar over there sold Pampers etc etc as well ... though dont quote me on it .. its your choice though .. if you can make room for them then i would maybe take them cos an uncomfortable baby is something i wouldnt want ??
Thanks KKN, I can't use Pampers, they give DD a rash. I prefer Lidl nappies as they don't leak during the night. If I'm stuck, Huggies are the next best thing as they only leak the odd time. I wonder if they have Lidl out there...will find out soon enough I suppose!
I found her on http://www.canaryforum.com (hope i am allowed to put that? sorry if im not) i think it was holiday hire company if you search the site you should find it if not ask on the forum there.
I hired an iron and ironing board off her.
I am going away with my baby who will be 1(not gran canaria though) when i travel but i am taking my own buggy.......i am going to buy reusable swim nappies though i have heard good reports.
Did you also know some airlines you can put a label on a full pack of nappies and just send them as they are to save suitcase space some take the weight off your luggage allowance and some dont you will have to check. I am flying first choice and it comes off my allowance but at least it saves room.
click on products they do buggies cots highchairs etc i think it is 20euros a week for a buggy
Hope this helps
Thank you so much Vicky - much appreciated.

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