Does anyone know where I can get this done, or if you have an estimate price?
all the dentists do bleaching and permant tooth whitening it varys on price as to what system you choose but it will be alot cheaper than the uk but try a few dentists to get a price first and yopu can do a deal with them
It'll be interesting to find out how much it costs down there.
oinkage ive been to goa lately and you can get brite smile for under £200
Well my dental practice has gone private only and I can't get an NHS dentist where we live. I only want a polish and scale and the cost for this is quite shocking.
So I would like to know if I could walk in to a dentist in Turkey and ask for the treament i want? Do they have similar service like the NHS therefore would not serve me?
We will be staying in Sarigerme and I think the nearest large town is Ortaca
Thanks in Advance
my mam lives in turkey and says the treatment shes had out there is far better and cheaper than the uk, they do have to pay for all their treatment but was impressed last time i talked to her about it, so im sure the polish will be cheaper although ive no idea how much, someone might help you more
I asked this in March as my dentist went private and I got many replies,some indicating how much the treatment was.From what I can remember I think a scale and polishing was £12.I dont know how to do a link to these pages but maybe someone can.I am seeking out a dentist when I return to Turkey this autumn.
I am off to Belek ina few weeks and am considering having some dental work done out there since I booked this last minute holiday.
Does anyone know any dentists in the Belek area which are recommended?
dont know if there is any dentist in say belek or kadreya , you may possibly have to go to antaliya which is only about 20/25mins in a taxi probably better going there i think you will have more choice.
Holidays and Dentistry, your in for a good time!
Well I was kind of thinking whitening - gotta be a hell of a lot cheaper than here in the UK, and not painful either!
I have been quoted £235.00 for both top and bottom teeth ( teeth whitening) from a danish dentist in marmaris. i hope this gives you a bit a an idea how much it will cost in belek.
had a cause to visit the dentist in icmeler in september last year, the man was amazing, kendo
I have heard that dental treatment is comsiderably less expensive in Turkey. My wife needs 2 implants and has been quoted £5k in UK. Does anyone have experience of Turkish dentistry? Can anyone recommend a dentist in Antalya area? Thanks. (Going to Lara Beach next week)
if an implant is done properly then the "post" has to placed and left for a few months before further work is done. I have had one and needed several visits to the dentist during the treatment. Are you intending to revisit Turkey?
Yes. We are regular visitors
hi member called kendo posted same question on april 14 ,may be worth sending him a p.m. to see how he got on.
I don't know about touristic areas, but if you'll pass through Ankara I can direct you to the best dentist there is.
2 years ago I went for a filling. The dentist first used a hendheld x-ray probe, and the x-ray image appeared real-time on a screen as he moved the probe around. Then he used a hendheld optical scanner, which scanned the geometry of my problem tooth and sent it to the nearby computer screen. Then he drilled out some portion, scanned again, and some automated robotic system manufactured the necessary piece out of some special material (I forgot what it was) without human contact. Then he put it in with some adhesive.
I think I missed the part when I stepped into the sick bay of the starship Enterprise

Re your wifes implants. I have had a number of these over the last 4 years & needed approx 8 appointments for each implant, if you include everything from the initial extraction, all the xrays, to final fitting of the crown & final check, from beginging to end it can take 3 months.
As Fiona says you have the "titanium post" put in and then your own bone needs to grow round this prior to the crown being placed on top of the implant. Research well as an implant done incorrectly can cause many problems and subsequent appointments. For example for upper implants they drill into your sinuses which can be problematic.
Obvioulsy I don't know the specifics of your wifes case but I would query 5k for 2 implants. I think the going rate is 4K for 2 and that's in London where dentistry is very expensive (but I could be in for a shock when I get my next bill and he's just not told me.

Good Luck, Doe

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