where did you book the hotel? on the internet or agent?
i have had a look around and although when i stayed at monterry it was self catering only they now seem to offer B&B, Half Board and Full Board. some hotels seem to have taken the opportunity to offer AI as an option now. Personally over there i prefer SC as we can have a few drinks in the room and do what we want food wise then go out.
We booked it through a travel agent... Going Places...
We are really looking forward to it, as we have alot of information on San Antonio Bay itself but we dont really have much on the hotel... Especially the AI side of it...
So do they now definately do AI...? Just making sure i haven't got mixed up
It actually says AI on my booking forms, I checked last night...
So i should be ok... I was getting worried yesterday as every website i went on didn't mention that the Monterrey had AI...