we have had a couple of encounters with rats the first one was during a power cut sat in a bar late at night and once the elactricity went off it was quiet and fairly dark so a rat appeared from the roof but quickly tried to make its way back once it realised people were about , so this did'nt worry me because i thought it wouldnt have been brave if there was'nt a power cut , it just thought it was night time and it could have a scamper about .
but we went in a local bar in agonda at approx 10.00 pm and the rats were sqeaking in the roof i thought they were probably young babies and no adults would actually appear , ( see im not over sqemish) i sat there and had a drink chatting to the owner but as we were talking i could see a huge rat on top of the door behind her , sat large as life looking at me ,
the place wasnt very clean and she did throw the remains of some nuts into the corner of the bar while we were there , which they would obviously eat .
it seems to me that one bar kept them at bay so they were'nt very brave around humans , but the other one didnt seem to concerned about them and they seemed to be thriving in that bar.
the second bar was actually run by a lovely hindu lady and i wondered if it was against their religion to harm them ? anita