I was contacted today by a fellow forum member who had booked to go on holiday through Portland for 2 weeks to Sri lanka for Xmas this year on the 16th of december.
We had booked the same holiday(portland) for the same dates at an amazing price of £1760 all inclusive And were horrified to hear the dates had been changed to the 12th of december and going from Heathrow not Gatwick. Even more so as she they had received letters 10days ago and we had heard nothing. After spending a morning on the phone This is the imformation I am receiving.
The reason we have not got a letter is because we are not even been offered a alterative flight because they have brought only so many seats . The seats they have booked have been offered to people in these letters. At the moment our Holiday stands even though they know there is no flight and it does not exsisted ..... If they manage to buy more seats( I supect this means the ones not taken up customers accepting the change) I will get offered one. This was why the person I spoke to first before been put through to another department said "no the holidays fine no changes!!!! " Its still showing on the system.
As it stands I know and they know theres no holiday . But I cannot cancel change or do anything without incurring charges or even try and sort something out at work on the dates (Highly unlikely as I work in a school) until they official tell me if I am going or not . Which the woman I spoke to seem to think it could be several days or few weeks. she would get back to me as soon as possible
Every holiday I priced through portland to faraway places
came 100s of pounds more. I am not going to get any were near the same good deal. I can not try any other companies (even though these are still going to be loads Dearer) Until they official give me the option to cancel.
Surely I do not have to accept this shambles Can someone offer be some advice.
I am trying to stay calm but I am feeling like I am talking to a brick wall I know it is not the call girls fault but I am swinging between wanting to burst in to tears or screaming at them.
Ps we booked this holiday on the 26th of november days after it came on Online system The forum member who contacted us booked in January .(A couple like ourselves) Surely those who Booked first should of been offered seats first.
It might be worth your while having a chat with Ros on 01922 621114 who is a travel law solicitor and will offer you free advice.
Is it possible to book the same holiday online at the moment?
When you booked in Nov. last year you presumably paid a deposit. I guess there's the balance still to be paid but not until about October.
What paperwork have you been suppplied with at this stage ?
I also guess that you've booked a package in as much as the flight and accommodation have been booked as part of the booking with Portland.
I recall reading in the 1992 Travel and Tour Regs. that insufficient sales is one of the permissible reasons for cancelling a holiday. However, I would have thought that a number of places would be available at the launch of the package and if insufficient places sold then OK - cancel.
Your post implies that there are indeed sufficient bookings but there appear to insufficient aircraft seats. Of course, it could be that Portland are intending to fly you from Gatwick as originally agreed, on the 16th Dec and your forum colleagues, having booked after you are having to be flown earlier and from Heathrow.
Have you tried writing to Portland and asking for written confirmation of your package - mentioning your concerns. If there's no problems they should write back to you. If they don't you could try contacting the hotel directly to see if they have any details of your stay. That might prove useless as Portland might only provide such details to the hotel shortly before your arrival.
These are the people sent letters I would be still be unware aware of this situation if not another forum member contacted me.
But they might be able to offer more seats if any more come avaible Hense thay are not canceling the holiday or offering anything else at this stage. Its just a waiting game until they make a desision.
I have payed the deposit plus another 1000 pounds so have about 400 to pay
The holiday dates is know longer avaible on there website to book Has not been since febuary I like to check prices to see if they go up or down so I just thought it was fully booked but now I think they have known for a while about this for a while.
The girl now saying it must be humen error why we did not get a letter as we booked so early!!!!!!
the advice still stands - first off write to Portland asking for confirmation of the position re. flights, dates, departure airport and hotel. In other words, ask them to confirm in writing the details you thought you were booking last Nov. and which, presumably have previously been stated in your confirmation. Specifically ask them if there's been or is likely to be a significant change to the arrangements.
Second, subject to their response, or lack of, 'phone Ros Fernihough as suggested by Glynis - always wise advice.
Do let us know the eventual outcome as this one intrigues me.
Thanks, Mike

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