Greece and other Greek Island Discussion Forum

Discussions regarding holidays in Greece and other Greek Islands.
Hello everyone

Glad to see all the positive posts :D

Still 13 weeks for me till we go boo hoo :cry:

Hopefully all is well now with the KABC can't see FC wanting more bad publicity after Holiday Hit Squad.

To all the people going July and August well basically everyone going before us in September I am looking for the best car hire deals and any information from people who will be hiring a car during there stay, could you please post your information when your back.

Thanks Kelly
8) :lol: :D
I am so excited the next 5 weeks wont go fast enough for me :hyper :sun
five looooonngggg weeks. 35 days nine hours sounds somehow better. Each day i get more excited, which makes each day at work longer :cry:
Never mind, we will soon be there in the :D sunshine
I'm also after car hire.

I've had a look on a couple of sites and it seems really expensive compared to what we paid in lanzarote last week, almost double for the same class car.
I want to pick up the car from the airport but I'm a bit apprehensive about trying to find the hotel in the dark, we don't arrive until Midnight.
I really want the car to go back to the airport for coming home because apparantly Kos Airport can be a bit of a nightmare if you don't get there before all the coach loads.

Ideally I'll be able to pick it up in Kos or even better at the hotel and drop it off at the airport.

So as Kelly Marie says - if anyone can find any info out while they are there, like if they hire from the hotel and if it is reasonable then that will be much appreciated :D
Hi just checking back in after the BH weekend. All quiet on the western front I see :yipee 7 weeks tomorrow for us, can't wait for my dose of 30 deg. sunshine, and cold drinks round the pool. Anyone else departing sunny GB from Bristol on the 19/7 at 17.45 :?: if so, try and beat us to the check-in, I always feel sorry for those behind us as we are a party of 12 checking in together with our 3 hubby's (not all belonging to one wife) hauling all 12 20kg cases onto the convayer belt. Never mind we reward them with a drink at the bar (the last one we intend paying for for the next two weeks) before parking our backsides on that :fly when our holiday really begins. Oh bring it onnnnnnnnnn 8) :P
Morning all :wave just catching up with the weekend reading everybody still positive its eleven weeks today for us been shopping and started the children blown the cobwebs off the suitcases has anybody got any news on the hotel :hmmm
:wave Hi all. is there anyone out there that will be going on the 30th aug or just after that? not long to go now fellow KABClubbers. are you all still positive and excited? i have about 11 weeks to wait yet. :P
Hi all,suitcases are down and brushed off, snorkels and flippers lying on the bedroom floor, creams and lotions starting to litter up my dressing table........Would't mind I still have 5 weeks to go. :(
I'm like that too - suitcases not out yet, but new clothes are now stacking up in the spare room

Stocked up on the aftersun, Tesco selling Nivea Aftersun 1/2 price :sun
Well I'm still positive even after that pointless negative post. That is so in the past he / she should be on about page 40 of the posts with remarks like that!!!! :rage
Well done firebird apache you really did sum it up.
Thanks Polly nice to hear positive thoughts from people that arn't even going to the hotel.

So everyone lets all remain positive - can't wait to hear from the 1st July KABC holiday makers and see their photos of this fantastic hotel

in a couple of weeks time when the KABC opens i will be locking this thread and opening a KABC Q&A sticky just for q&A. if you wish to have other discusions please use the greek chat thread, you will apreciate i hope, that i have been lenient and bent the rules for you over the last few months but we must bring the forum back into order for the sake of those who may wish to follow you

I think I might be going to get a telling off from you administrator? if so sorry, I don't mean to offend you or bore anyone else, but with so much movement on the "IN list", I thought I would like to see it updated. If anyone would like to pm me your updated departure date, name, airport and time, I would like to do the bizz and re-post a up to date list. Buzz Lightyear, Firebird Apache and Sukaay, you are no longer going on June 28 what are your new dates?. Also you three "oldies" amend any details you know of those who have departed please. Thanks MichellefromEssex for the last updated list on 5th May. Again sorry if Im in trouble!!


28th June - Firebird Apache
28th June - Sukaay Manchester 7.15am
28th June - Natasha Smith
28th June - AJenkins Birmingham 22.50pm
28th June - fdss Birmingham 22.50pm
28th June - Limit123 Manchester 7.15am
28th June - Buzz Lightyear Manchester 7.15am
28th June - Sam & Bob Birmingham 22.50pm
28th June - CK00 Birmingham
28th June - dargas Bristol
28th June - gregor Glasgow 8.30am
? June - Short Short Man
1st July - JaneMick
5th July - Grahamedw Manchester 20.00pm
5th July - cathy b
5th July - Johnnya - Manchester
12th July - anniewinnie Bristol 17.45pm
12th July - rab.w.w Glasgow 22.25pm
15th July - Ponge
19th July - Greeneyedgal Glasgow
19th July - K&R Manchester 7.15am
19th July - Citizen98 Gatwick
19th July - Lexy
19th July - Tadalaja (inc. ctaylor)
19th July - Scoobydoo
23rd July - Aceape Glagow
23rd July - Trudie
26th July - Jochick
2nd Aug - Lambrini Manchester 20.00pm
2nd Aug - Diddabel Manchester 20.00pm
2nd Aug - Slick Gatwick
2nd Aug - Volls Manchester 7.15am
2nd Aug - Mandelson Manchester 20.00pm
9th Aug - Leannec Gatwick
9th Aug - AlisonKent
16th Aug - JeffCook
Mid Aug - Grimbob
Mid Aug - Carolyn1st
30th Aug - Foxy0810
30th Aug - Mcfester Bristol
30th Aig - Bailey
? Aug - Karen Harris
9th Setp - dharty Gatwick
13th sept - AlexUK
13th Sept - Ginam Glasgow 22.30pm
23rd sept - Kelly Marie
27th Sept - Naparky1970
? sept - Andybec
? Oct - Tasha

if you read my post i am letting this run till the first members are away then you will have to post this sort of thing in the greece chat thread


sorry wasn't too sure how to pm you - but I can confirm my family + one other family are going August 2nd From Bristol depart: 17.45 so arrive at a reasonably sensible time 8) .....
see all you other 2nd if August'ers at the bar.... the beer will be waiting :glynis
we are going on 16th august from manchester 7.30 am flight i think .Thats me my hubbie girls 10 and 12 and our neighbours with a boy 10 and girl 8 . Looking forward to it and all these positive comments help a great deal in keeping spirits up :D
:wave Hi Foxy 0810 and Mcfester Bristol. are you both still going on the 30th aug? maybe see you there. how many kids have you got ? and how old are they? wot time do you fly out? :fly
Dont forget us we are also flying out on the 16 aug from bristol 17.45 me hubby mum dad two kids 13 and 10 :glynis see you out there mrsmel
well people here goes, i have just come back from kos and have been to see the kabc and from what i have seen there is still a lot of work to be done.
we drove down the road that the holiday hit squad went down and it is still open for people to go and have look, this road leads to a beach.
at this particular end there are some rooms that still dont have any windows and doors in we looked down an avenue and there are no pathways paving or anything just dirt mess rubbish building matterial weeds concrete run off. no gardens, ground work has been done down this particular end of the site, we looked across the site and saw the slides in the distance they looked like they were in place. next to the slides was a building that did not have roof tiles on yet, just wooden roof truses, down the bottom of this road is the beach, i did not go along way down the beach becuase there looked like there was a security gaurd sitting in a car, but the beech that we did go on is about 10 to 15 feet in width and me and my son had to jump 4and a half foot onto it, (a lot of the beachs in kos are like this) it is very stoney in the water,(big pebbles, small rocks.) but like i said we were right at one end not in the middle,(by the way the water is crystal clear and blue). Down the bottom of this road there looks like there is a big tarmaced area that might be a carpark when it is finished, but i dont know.Both myself and my wife didnt see much work going on but it did look like it was dinner time. to be totaly honest with you, both myself and my wife both said to each other that from looking at the work to be done, it wont be completley finished, (garenteed) by july and please dont think i am being negative i am just giving my truthfull opinion,
I spoke to someone at our hotel and said that we were suposed to be going there and this person said that they might posibly have to cancel again cause the work isnt going acording to plan, it would seem that in kos there isnt much of a rush to get things done very quick, tho i might be wrong, last week was very hot and that might be a cause of it,
another person i spoke to said that they looked in the local paper to see if they could find a job there and this person said that there are no advertisements in the papers for any jobs,so they might be planning to sent brits out there to work in this place, this person told me to stay well clear of newly built hotels until they have been up and running for abit,
another man i met said that they are not planning to open all of it at the same time.this could be true because i did not see the other end of the complex, we went on a boat trip and from a long way out to sea you can see that this place is a very large complex, massive id say, a man on the boat trip told me that he couldnt get any building work done because all the builders are working on the beach club to get it finished, i do have 2 photos of this end of the site that i saw and will try and put them in the photo gallary tomorrow or saturday, kos is a lovely place and we would definatly go there again, the people are nice and friendly ,the way of life seems easy,
to all who are hoping to go in july i would say even if you are hopeful, please be prepared for the worst even if it doesent happen, take note of what sp55 is telling you in his posts, he is one of the best sources of info on this forum disscussion, there will be more up to date info on this building work im sure when other people come back from there holidays there, i was told that this kabc is a fc only hotel, being built by developers, exclusively just for them,
  • Edited by gezhead 2006-06-02 07:14:55
Hi Gezhead, Hope you enjoyed Kos, its a lovely place :D Thanks for your comments, they wont be taken as being negative! If you need any help posting the photos to the gallery, drop me a PM. I am still confident that KABC will be open for us at the start of July, but as you said we will be prepared for the worst. As its happened to us once already, the feeling is familiar :D
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