can anyone tell me the price of cigarettes (lambert and butler and embassy pref) and the allowance from malta.
about lm 1.55-1.60 (about £2.50) - as for allowance, Malta is in the EU, so legally as long as its for personal use no limit -in reality customs might ask questions if you bring in more than 3,200 cigarettes per person
Don't forget Malta's strict anti-smoking rules. Anyone caught smoking in an enclosed public area is flogged in the public square

unless you are in Gozo, where the only laws upheld are parking related
Hi Trev
the authorities like to think that the law is enforced but in my experiance it is flouted in some bars and some restaurants and bars have smoking areas. although i smoke i find its not such a hardship, just pop outside when you want a puff.
What's the smoking situation at the airport?
there is a small section in the departure lounge, useually full and you don't even need to light a cigarette to get your fix. happy puffing
Excellent - how about on arrival?
Unlike here in the UK it's no hardship and probably preferable for you to smoke outside because of the Maltese climate. Wish temperatures were like that all the time hear but I suppose I'll have to dream on!

Hi can anyone tell me the price of Lambert and butler cigs in Malta, are they as cheap as Spain.
dunno, how much are they in Spain ????
A carton of 200 cigarettes (e.g Benson & Hedges) costs about LM14.50 or LM15.50 depending on where you shop.
Hi there. Have just got back from Malta and can confirm the following. On arrival at the airport it is 'no smoking' until you get outside after collecting your bags. In the departure lounge there is an eclosed, standing only, smoking 'pit' and a brand new outdoor cafe area with smoking allowed. Most places we visited had a no smoking policy but plenty of seating outside for smokers
Hi sdwill thanks for that, we will shop around when we get there.
no need to shop around, as all places have to sell a particular brand at a fixed price (except for a small discount if you buy in cartons ie about 5c per pack less)
Hi Gozomark L & B cigs in Spain are about the same price work out at about £25, and all tabacos charge the same price. They are dearer if you buy them in supermarkets or other shops. It must be the same in Malta the goverment sets the price. Thanks

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