Hate to say it Survivor, but had you died your debts would have died with you. Your familiy would however have been distraught. As it is you survived - thankfully - and that point should be kept at the forefront of your mind.
You say that your insurance covered you for this type of accident. If you don't have a motorcycle licence (category A1 according to the post from Empress Mittens) then you were driving illegally. If that's the case your insurance is unlikely to cover you.
I'd check the legal position re. your driving (were you on public or private land, did you have full face protection, if it was a quad bike you were on is that classed as a car or a motorcycle in Greek law) before threatening legal action against the insurers. They will certainly check their position and their resources for doing so are perhaps greater than yours.
The details of this are all rather sketchy but if you say you were covered for this then by all means pursue them to the hilt. I can't give any advice because I was unaware that a normal holiday insurance would ever insure for moped hire.
Good luck with it survivor and like others have said, just be thankful and thank you also for posting about it - serves as a warning to others of the dangers.
This is just a warning to everyone as its not a nice thing for anyone to deal with.
As some of you are pretty puzzled of whats actually happening all i can say is welcome to my world, thats why i have solicitors acting on my behalf. I know the ins and outs and what im covered for as its not only last week i decided to think about this i have been dealing with it for 8mths and i did alot of research, investigating before i knew i had a strong case and received legal advice. issue is the insurance company are not paying up as they dont have teh CC and everything else is fine.
This is just a warning as i know how i feel and i dont want someone having to go through the same thing as me. If i could remember it would be great but i cant.
the driver of the bike had a licence and helmets were worn and this evidence has already been accepted.
Surprising how many things you are not covered for though, but a lot of watersports etc. you can check when you book them that you are also paying for insurance. If you are not sure ask them to show you their insurance certificate.
WHEN BUYING insurance especially when planning to do any of these activities make sure you read the small print. I did so i knew i was covered and thats why im fighting. but some people turn a blind eye to these warnings.
Moral of the story is know the product you are buying and make sure it covers you.
Cant comment too much on the rest but I do wonder about your friends, bringing you back from the hospital when you werent fit, going home when you were not well ( surely one should have stayed )and shouldnt the driver/hirer of the bike be providing all this information.
Kind Regards
If you were riding without insurance or without the correct license, then SORRY, you are legally at fault.
I was not aware it was mandatory to hold a Drivers License to be a 'Passenger' on board this vehilcle? The poster has quite clearly stated she was a passenger so how can she be at fault?
In most cases, quad bikes are not designed to carry a passenger. This can unbalance the machine and make it more difficult for the rider to handle.
There most be a another valid reason, apart from the CC of the 'bike', which is making the insurance company drag their heels - and why weren't they trying to get this information WHEN the accident happened? As SandC pointed out, if everything is ok, they take over the payment of the hospital bills, arrange repatriation etc...
From what Survivor posted to her original thread, it sounds like the insurance company has closed her claim.
One of the unpleasant facts to be faced about travelling on your own (as I do alot for work) is that if anything serious happens, YOU are the person who has to deal with it - you can't rely on friends, interpreters etc to do things properly...upsetting as it is, you really do need to speak to people like insurance companies directly.
I also personally know how upsetting a serious accident can be - I was run over by a speeding car when I was 17, and suffered serious leg injuries which still affect me 20 years later.
Please let us know how this turns out

the bike that was hired was catered for 2 people, the insurance company are doing what they know best DRAGGING their heels, as they know i have a valid case and do not want to pay up.
AS i said that i have a witness(3rd party working for the hospital) that received a call on my behalf claiming that the insurance comapny said that everything is fine and they will get my flights home and so on, but the witness informed them that i had already got my flight, they informed her that they were sorry that it took so long to get back to me and that for me not to worry any moreveverything is being settled i was given misleading information. There is alot of other people involved and thats why i have a good leg to stand on.
The hospital are now working on my behalf trying to resolve this issue with the Bike hire shop so i waiting to see what news they will bring me.
I have a no win no fee bases case and my legal team i have on board are great and fighting my corner along side me as i was not at fault the embassay are looking into this also and the ombudsman are telling me i have a strong case also, so im not the only one thinking that i have a leg to stand on there are alot of people behind me.
How about the person that was in charge of the bike is he/she involved in this at all? It seems to me that he/she would be able to help. Is there not a receipt from hiring the bike was states the cc of the bike hired like you get when you hire a car abroad?

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