I emailed a Goan estate agent regarding 2 flats he was advertising.

Flat 1 was Rs10000/month.

flat 2 was Rs12000/month.

This is the email I got Back:-

Dear Leslie,

Sorry to say this.......this place (ad no. 103) is supposed to be at
the price of Rs. 12500/- per month inclusive of certain facility) and
also the ad no.77 is supposed to be at the price of Rs. 13500/- per
month. I wasnt at home for some time and am just back, so also these
properties were been uploaded just recently. So i did not get time to
edit the details.
I am apologising to you from the bottom of my heart and sorry to talk
about these changes.

Anthony de Souza.

I will send you a response in a short time regarding your request.