Can anyone recommend any good foot creams? My feet are really dry on the heal and I wanna get them in good shape ready for my hols in September. Thanks
I use the avon footcreams and sprays. They come in two fragrances, citrus and original which is like a cooling menthol.
I always suffer from cracked heels on holiday and find these really good, reasonably priced too.
I use Scholl `Rough Skin Remover` and the Scholl intensive foot moisturiser. They are excellent and leave your feet lovely. I am sure I saw them on offer in Boots yesterday.
my feet get really dry in the summer as I like to be barefoot.
i brought some scholl heel repair cream, about £5 it is brilliant stuff after just a week of applying it twice a day my heels are lovely, try it your problem will dissapear.
fizz xx
Solace from matalan does the trick for me. I use softening foot lotion and then spray foot refreshing on my feet in a morning. They are peppermint and zest lime for tired and hot feet. I must say my feet at the moment are puurrrffffect.
I find that Flexitol Heel Balm is really good.
CCS Foot Care Cream Plus, it was recommended by my podarist. It costs about £5.99 from Boots.
Hi Mari, I have been using grape seed oil on my dry, cracked feet for the last week. I went to a party and had a foot massage done and this is what she used, so I bought some from her. I have definately noticed a difference on my feet, they are now lovely and soft and smooth and most of the dried skin has nearly gone. When I soak them in the bath first I also use a hard metal file and this removes alot of the skin, then when there dry I apply the oil and wait until it soaks in.
Boots currently have 3 for 2 on all footcare - including Flexitol and Scholl. Both of these are great and try the Boots own range of foot scrubs and moisturisers whilst they are on offer - I am told by my daughter that they are really good. In my opinion, God should have just given us all wheels at the end of our legs - I have a thing about feet and can't stand them being touched or massaged or anything else!!
Best one for dry and cracked heels that I have found is Efasit, Intensive Moisture Balm. I apply it morning and night. Brilliant stuff. Costs about £3.25 from Boots and 1 tube lasts about 3 months.
First invest in a pumice stone, I got one on a handle from Superdrug, which I use on my heels every day in the shower. Then I apply Superdrugs' Vit.E oil which comes in a tiny plastic bottle (take one on hols 2). don't walk bare foot on your carpets after applying though or you'll mark them.
It defo works for me as last year I forget to take a pumice stone on holiday and my heels were very sore, as you can imagine I lived in sandals/flipflops so by the time I got home my heels were cracked. Although I creamed them everyday whilst on holiday they were not nice

The pumice stone defo works for me.
Flexitol Heel Balm
I have awful skin on my heels, at least I used to but I use Flexitol and its brilliant, its not very nice smelling and its really thick. I use a Sancturay foot scrub in the bath with a pumice stone then when I get out I dry my feet, apply the flexitol and a pair of trainer socks over the top and leave them on till the morning. I do this once a week and it keeps my feet nice and soft.
Thanks for all your replies im gonna nip to boots tomorrow and get a few of your suggestions on the 3 for 2 at boots.
I've got really, really, hard skin on the ball of my foot - any recommendations?
Aussie 3 minute miracle foot cream is fantastic! Get it from Boots or any independant chemist. As for the hard skin on the ball of your foot, try Scholl hard skin remover, it's sort of gritty, but it works! If it's really bad you may need to do it a few times......good luck!....Linda xx
I suffer from really dry skin on my feet rather than hard skin. Sometimes it gets really sore and my big toes end up with splits on them. This used to happen no matter how much or what make of foot creams I used. I have tried everything over the years and the best thing is good old vaseline. After a nice foot soak and pumice I smother them in Vaseline and like Sarah put on a pair of trainer socks for the night and by morning they are silky soft.
Scholl footfiles on B.O.G.O.F in Tesco.
Schol Heel cream, recently been on telly, claims to remove cracks in 7 days, been using it for 4 and they are silky smotth

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