Customer Services, First Choice Holidays, Diamond House, Peel Cross Road, Salford, Manchester, M5 4DT
Thanks for that claire x
If you did write a letter of complaint and take it into your Travel Agent. Your Travel Agent will then send it off to First Choice with a covering letter, they have 14 days to acknowledge your complaint and 28 days to make a full reply.
If for whatever reason you cannot be issued with your tickets, First Choice will issue you with a TOD letter (Tickets on Departure)
I booked the flight through sky deals and after 5 days of trying to get a person I was finally told the tickets had not been recieved and to be at airport early to pick them up and they would send me a letter explaining this (which I recieved on my return). So I have to go through sky deals first with my complaint? I am also in the process of buying new luggage as it was absolutely trashed by the baggage handlers! but my insurance says I pay 1st £75 so I am just gonna buy from ebay lol.
We complained over the phone countless times and got nowhere, emailed and got automated reply promising a reply within 24 hours and got a reply completed unrelated to what we listed 3 and a half weeks later, and then no further reply to our return email which was sent 7 weeks ago.
We also sent letters of complaint via recorded delivery 6 weeks ago and have not recieved any contact from them. They are quite happy to sell us holidays but heaven forbid you should have any kind of problem!
it`s 28 days to acknowledge and 28 days to reply - if a complaint is sent through a travel agent!
i know this is not a reply to your original question but reference your suitcase..... both of my suitcases were smashed on return from sharm in egypt by first choice. i asked at the airport before going through the green channel where i could complain. they directed me to a desk and the lady, who was from first choice, was very helpful. she recorded the details, looked at the damage and then sent me 2 samsonite large cases to my home. this was the friday and they arrived the monday morning! no excess paid as not though insurance.
most people do not realise they can do this. i only knew because it happened to me before and someone at the airport told me to report it.
as for the rest of your complaint i wish you luck, i know complaints take time and i had one with another company last year. it took me 7 months to sort it out. in the end i sent all correspondance to abta who wrote to the company on my behalf. originally the company offered me vouchers, then a cheque for £100. i turned both down and within days of abta writing to them i recieved an offer of £200. i did accept this as i thought this was fair in my case. persevere with your complaint.
you made a bit of a sweeping statement saying first choice smashed your cases, or at least the way you worded it anyway. First choice dont actually deal with your cases, to recive compensation they would have had to speak to staff in SSH and your UK airport to find out where it happened and charge them for the damage.
To the orignal topic;
You say you booked through sky deals? what did they have to say, surely as agents they should be responsible for tickets?
couple of years ago we arrived back at manchester on a Mytravel flight and our suitcase had been damaged in transit.We went to their office in the baggage hall.They took the details and agreed to replace the suitcase which was duly delivered about 10 days later .No messing no argument didnt seem to bother whose fault it was, they just replaced it free of charge..was impressed
I would have thought that it is the responsibility of the travel company as they actually pay handing agent to look after your luggage, and rightly so you both received new luggage from travel companies without any problems, so really dont understand Befreetodays reply. Cheers Jayjan
just to clear up as i didn't word it correctly. what i meant was that i travelled with first choice the same as unicorn did. didn't mean to confuse anyone.
good luck to unicorn and inform us how you get on.

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