As the last 4 posts or so have gone slightly off topic, could I ask all members please to only add comments that answer the original question.
Many thanks
MarkJ HT Mod
It really is a case of if that is the rule then you have to abide with it.
You are going on holiday, life is hard enough as it is at times without getting worked up over something that really is quite trivial.
You do have a choice - If you do not wish to be bound by such rules then ensure you book somewhere that is happy for a free for all or go self catering.
But booking self catering is sooo expensive...its not a free for all wanting to wear what you not talking about vest tops and skimpy shorts but why is it so important to wear long trousers as opposed to shorts or nice jeans?Wh was it said they wouldn't dream of going out in this country to eatin shorts...well i have worked in a restaurant for the last 9 years and i can tell you that people most certainly do go out dressed casually..and i for one am not offended by it in the least,but as other people have said "just my opinion"...nicole
There may be restaurants in the Uk that allow people to eat dressed in shorts but there are also many that don't , some even request Jackets and ties, maybe a bit outdated but they do still exist.
I have been reading these posts for the past few days and I can't believe
all the fuss about something so minor. People are dying in wars, children are starving in 3rd world countries and people are getting themselves worked up about something so stupid.
Edited by
2006-07-16 15:11:46
Personally I find it much nicer when people cover up their hairy sweaty bodies in the dining room whilst I'm eating. Long trousers needn't be heavy formal wear, loose lightweigt three-quarter pants are usually acceptable in most hotels and you can always nip back to your room and put your shorts back on after the meal. My son took one pair of trousers to Gran Canaria to wear for the evening meal every night, as he was only wearing them for a maximum of an hour each day, one pair was sufficient.
some even request Jackets and ties, maybe a bit outdated but they do still exist.
Yes, the 5* Don Pancho in Benidorm stipulate that a full dinner jacket attire or tuxedo, is require for the Xmas/new year gala meals"¦or a full dark suit...I know that for certain.
Think about the waiters, they have to wear them, sometimes with a jacket .and don't anyone say that they are use to the heat, because they may tolerate it slightly better than us, but get used to it, never.!
I have been reading these posts for the past few days and I can't believe
all the fuss about something so minor. People are dying in wars, children are starving in 3rd world countries and people are getting themselves worked up about something so stupid.
Well said thoughts exactly.
Israel and Lebanon are knocking

Sorry but IMO.....Some people really need to get life's issues prioritised.

SanJi x
I can't understand when people have been in beach clothes all day and shorts and t shirts they then want to dress the same for the evening !

When we go down to dinner after we have rested and showered IMO I think it is nice to get dressed up !
The hotel we go to stipulates that men wear long trousers for dinner ! although they do allow smart 3/4 length trousers with a smart pair of sandels and a smart shirt or smart polo shirt ! they also allow men to wear smart jeans aslong as they ARE smart....... again with a smart top !
I have seen many men at this hotel go to the dining room in trousers and then after dinner pop up to their room and put on shorts !
lou x
lou x
Look in the brochure.... if it states that a dress code is in place at a hotel you wish to spend your holiday in and you don't like it, go and look for another hotel that doesn't have this requirement.
Please also remember, that when dining out of the hotel, many local restaurants/nightclubs/bars may have various dresscodes in operation. As in good old England, if you don't like this - go somewhere else.
Mark no one listening to me!!!!!!!!...its all about the heat u donuts...i lived in india for a while when i was a kid and no one wore trousers...let alone dinner jackets...but i spose i think a bit differently to other people as my mother was a hippy..we were all love and peace man..didnt think about dress code lol...
see i told u mark ..capitalism is the root of all evil
do u really want me to go out and bye a pair of chinos made in a swaet shop just so my hubby has the right attire
see i told u mark ..capitalism is the root of all evil
What has this subject got to do with capitalism?
Besides, I don't particularly like to be called a donut either

Mark no one listening to me!!!!!!!!...its all about the heat u donuts...i lived in india for a while when i was a kid and no one wore trousers...let alone dinner jackets...but i spose i think a bit differently to other people as my mother was a hippy..we were all love and peace man..didnt think about dress code lol...
May I suggest that when you have nothing sensible to say you just don't! Posting insults on here does no good and upsets members - and also breaches T & Cs
It is very simple - If the hotel says you wear long trusers then that is it.
I can see next we shall be having enquiries about compensation because hotels refusie to admit people who are not wearing long trousers.

im sure we will enjoy every minute of it,,,,,
but can i find any kids t shirts wihout bloomin surfing or skateboarding type stuff on the top,,,,,!!!
shopping tomorrow big style,,,
thanks again folks.
Glad you got it sorted Hilda

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