Hy all,can anyone please pass on any information regarding the cable car near Tivoli world?,I've been told it doesn't run so much in summer and also that you can buy a single ticket and walk back down,althogh as we're going in August it might be a tad warmish,so if anyone has any info on them could you please tell me and also are the cable cars ones that you ride in or are they the chair lift type?.
Mant thanks - Hope.
we went on the cable car,last sept.you can definately,get a one way ticket,but there's no way,i wouldv'e attempted,to walk back down.it's quite a long way up,you know.
once at the top,there was a bird show,which was quite interesting,a free donkey ride,a cafe & some walking trails.
the view is fantastic,it's well worth going up,i'm glad we did.
it is a cable car,you sit in.with a sliding door,but i'd definately,do the easy option & get a return

cheers tracy
I have a webshots photo ablum with a a whole load of pics of the cable cars and all the things that there are to do once you get up the top..
take a look..
Scroll down to cable cars Benalmadena
We also have some views taken from the top of the cable car ride. Those can be viewed
Sadly the Yovuelo parapente is no more.Myself and the wife were going to give it another go on our last trip to the top.

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