Hi everyone,
I was myself brought up in Tunisia and lived there for 20 years. I didnt have to worry about all the visa side of things as I was a child when I moved there with my parents and we were residents and things may have been different 20 years ago. My best advice would be for you to contact the Tunisian Embassy or Consulate in London and they might be able to tell you all the paperwork you will need.
Check out this link
About jobs in Tunisia, the reason I left there and moved here after uni is because of the lack of opportunities for good well paid jobs. Also in your cases, if you do not speak Arabic, you will have a problem. Best way to be assured to have a job when you get there is to apply through one of the British Tour Operators that work in Tunisia. You have to apply in the UK and usually you have to be flexible and they can send you anywhere they want to. However, they do ask you for your preferred country to work in and most people want to go to places like Spain and Greece and usually when people request Tunisia they get it cuz no one else wants it ( i know this because I used to work for these companies when I was in Tunisia ). The jobs are mostly rep positions but sometimes there may be admin jobs for those who prefer that, or you could start off as a rep and get into admin as soon as an opportunity becomes available.
About finding a place to live, if you get a job as a rep your accomodation is usually in a hotel or a rep's villa or you get an allowance towards your accomodation if you wanted to rent your own place. There are also letting agencies etc but mostly people find properties to let through word of mouth and there never really is a problem finding a place to rent as demand is never as high as supply.For the long term, renting is better than staying in a hotel as its a lot cheaper. From what I remember, you can rent a 3 bed villa for between 300 to 500 dinars depending of course on the area and condition etc. About buying property, by law you have to be Tunisian to be able to buy land or property in Tunisia. This was true as of a couple of years ago and I dont think it would have changed.
Hope this helps a bit. If anyone needs more info on this or more specific things then pls let me know.
Take care