Should the EU admit Turkey into the "club"?
I think it's a great idea for many reasons.
1. Demographically, Turkey is a "young" country, contrasting with the older age profile of the longer-standing EU countries.
2. Largely, although Turkey is made up of a number of racial groups, Turkey is "European" What is the real difference in the genetic make-up of the people of Western Turkey and the Greeks who live on the islands only a few miles off-shore? Turkey is also a long-standing member of NATO
3. Turkey, although predominantly Muslim, is a secular state like ours. The EU should broaden its horizons at least partly to counter hysterical Islamophobia. Furthermore, If Turkey is shunned by the West, might it ally itself towards the hard-line muslim countries to the East instead?
4. Progression towards EU membership would continue the already great strides Turkey has made in its improvements in the area of Human Rights for its citizens
5. Entry would be dependent on a final settlement of the Cyprus problem.
6. I wouldn't have to pay £10 on entry any more.