just looked on the website and they have cape verde in the drop down menu if you put in 2007. have a look under the cape verde discription it sounds idylic and it couldnt be that far away if its near Africa.

I have never been to Cape Verde islands, but saw them on tv about a year ago as a hot place to buy property. The islands are further south than the canary islands, and hence experience nicer weather. They also seem to have beautiful white sandy beaches. I think they are just becoming more popular as they become more developed, and not too many airlines fly there at present (when I was looking I would have had to fly via portugal or something), hence why you may not have heard of them...
Im not sure i would risk it without any reviews and we are already booked for next year. but 2008 you never know

found it, its coming out quite dear for us as no free child ,but does look lovely

wow thats high ours came out at 2400 over whitson for 2 adults and one 6 yr old, my hubby is padi qualified too so he likes diving, my son now hes 16 wont come on holiday with us nor will my oldest daughter so we are now 3 awww sad lol

its just nice to know that probably within the next couple of years once the reviews start coming in their may be a new destination for us all to ponder over thats reasonably close


If you go to the Africa forum about halfway down the page there is a thread running on the Cape Verde Islands. Needless to say I priced them up a few weeks back when I first got my Portland Brochure and saw that they were 'new'. They look quite exotic. Its quite exciting really all these places becoming available, gone are the days of when it was just a choice of Spain or Spain. (Not that there is anything wrong with Spain I hasten to add, went there last year!)
I think we are following each other around the world.

Doe xxx
Here is a link to the topic, which I have locked to avoid duplication
hi ave just seen these island in the thompson book and fancy them 4 myself to in early july it only comes out at just over £2500 2 adults & 1 7yr old, i think if you go 4 the riu hotel you can not go far wrong, had a fantastic time this yr in one on mexico pacfic coast, things i ave found out about thems is they used the euro & you need to pay a 45 euro enternce fee on arrival (thats each kids aswell)
FYI I have found another operator that does holidays flying direct from Gatwick/Manchester and they go all year round. It is:
So excited now - think I might start skulking here as well!
http://www.capeverdeexperience.com (they're affiliated to the Gambia Experience by the looks of it)- it looks like a beautiful destination but I'm slightly concerned by the fact that the islands are going to get destroyed by tourism. Does anyone know what the government plans re regulations for building etc?
Many thanks in advance
Hi, I recently rather randomly received a brochure from these guys: Many thanks in advance
Looked at a hotel in Cape Verde and this message came up!
Please Note: Tourism in the Cape Verde Islands is in its infancy and therefore it is likely you will see some building work taking place, as local resorts develop.
Lets hope they dont ruin the islands.
Hi all please does anyone have any info on these hotels if you have stayed there that would be great...We always book with the Riu group as there hotels are excellent were ever you seem to go, Its just that im struggling to find anyone that has been to these hotels.
With all new buildings going up etc it will probably not 'ruin' the lives of local people but will help them prosper.
We are the problem.
Has anyone been to the Cape Verde Islands and what did they think? Just got the Portland Winter 2007/8 brochure and it looks really nice.
Google Cape Verde Islands and look at the reviews.They are not that great surprisingly.I looked at the island of Sal and the resort of Santa Maria on the south coast where the Portland hotels are situated on Google Earth and it looks very barren.The Riu hotels are great but if the tourist facilities in resort are poor that would put me off.
Seems to be a distinct lack of info available about Cape Verde Islands. I'm looking at the same hotels for Easter 2008 but can't find many reviews
I'm not to sure but the Riu Garopa, may not yet be completed!

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