I went to Spain in June with a couple of girls from work, we were away for four nights and my case was 23kg !!!
Its not the first time ive had to pay extra so any tips on packing light would be great with regards to lotions etc.
I know i cant cut back on clothes and shoes so im not even going to try. Hubby will grit his teeth and pay up AGAIN lol x
Edited by
2006-09-03 23:10:16
I really do try very hard to cut down on shoes and we wear trousers several times with different tops, and then the tops are "dirtied-out" as day tops... but still I can't seem to cut down on the weight.
This Easter in Gran Canaria the hotel had pool towels so we didn't need to take any, and we only went for a week and still I struggled to keep it below the limit, and we were about 7kg over coming home (the nice lady at Las Palmas check-in just raised her eyebrows and tut-tutted a bit)...
And for our holiday in Turkey a couple of weeks ago I specially bought new extra-lightweight holdalls (2.5kg each instead of our 5kg suitcases) and we still had problems keeping under the limit, we were still 4kg over coming home (nice man at Dalaman check-in was distracted by a discussion at the next desk) and we didn't even have any shopping from Turkey, and I'd left several of our inflatables behind. I don't wash underwear while I'm away, I take 14 sets, but how much does underwear weigh anyway? I think my luggage must pig-out on the all-inclusive food and drink while I'm not looking

Last year we did a last-minute to Tenerife (just for one week) and only had 15kg allowance each - I don't know how we did it, I wish I could remember what I packed that was so much lighter.
Next year we're flying with Thomson to Ibiza and had the option at the time of booking to upgrade to a 25kg allowance for less than the cost of paying excess baggage at the airport. Now, as far as I'm concerned, that extra allowance is for our duty-frees coming home, but daughter has already decided it's for a selection of shoes and son want to take jeans instead of shorts...

I also like to dress up and look good but I don't need a different outfit everynight of the holiday to do that. I'm sure I look good and I know I feel good so obviously I don't need a lot of different clothes to enforce that feeling. But as you said everyone is different and by travelling light I am enabling others to carry excess luggage.

Regarding the post from Pippa saying she would need a holiday if she had two weeks worth of washing and ironing to do on her return. With five of us in the family (three being teenage children who wear clothes for school/work, change when they come home and then again if their going out) I do washing and ironing every day. That is the reason I do not do any on holiday. Also as a special 'treat' to myself when I return from holiday other than socks/underwear all the clothes go away to a mobile laundry and come back ironed and on hangers. A beautiful end to a beautiful holiday.
Ladyjan - Have to agree with your daughter regarding the shoes - well a girls got to have different shoes for different outfits

Also as I said in my previous post if people feel happy to wear their clothes more than once on holiday that is fine, it's just not for us.
As for lugging heavy cases on and off carousels and in and out of taxis - husbands; knew they were useful for something

I never take beach/pool towels. We always buy them when we arrive for about €3 each then I leave them there when we come home. It's suprising how many more clothes you can get in place of five beach towels.
Rgds Jackie
Well i,m feeling really badly done to !!

Flying with Jet2, you are only allowed 18k!! per person and you cant combine allowances!! Oh what joy, 3 small kids 5 suitcases and a pushchair!! We normally only take 2 or 3 large cases and combine our luggage limits but they charge for every item exceeding 18k. I will grant them that you are allowed 10k hand luggage but to be honest we try and carry very little on the plane just a holdall for stuff to keep the brats amused.
Husband seems to think we are just taking 2 cases!! He can think again!!


7 more sleeps... I've already started packing and I'm not joking my cases are looking pretty full already, I haven't even got any of my sons clothes in yet!

Love Nikki xx
Ive never gone anywhere near 32kgs as I was aware of this restriction. Normally they are between 20 and 25k. It would just be nice if we could pool our allowances rather than take extra luggage.

hmm has nobody heard of laundrettes/dry cleaners?. i dont even iron stuff before i go. just enough for the first 2 nights. the rest i stick straight in the cleaners when i arrive . and repeat just about halway through holiday. that includes underwear /socks. dont know about rest of europe. but you can usualy find somwhere to do it by the next day in spain/portugal. dry cleaning may take 2 days or so. but it's cheap . 5k bag mixed washed and ironed around €15. dry cleaning around €7 for a dress. now if i could just get a butler!!
I can fully understand those of you who like to take loads of clothes, but for me I take extra care to roll everything up so they don't need ironing. I have no problems mixing and matching, but I guess it's down to the individual and what your holiday is all about.
Although shoes are cumbersome and weigh a lot - I take only 2 pairs for a fortnight as I spent many years putting 4/5 pairs in only to wear the same ones all the time for the comfort factor.
Well if it was just me going I wouldnt have a problem as I tend to take very little, but with 3 small boys who can quite easily go through 3 changes of clothes a day its not easy.
I do usually get washing done when im there, but I have to say its only if I happen to see a launderette on my travels, I wouldnt go purposely looking for one, got better things to do.
I spend my life washing and ironing its my holiday too.
By the way what does the bottom of a washing basket look like? Not seen mine for years!!

Same here. As fast as mine is emptied it starts filling up again. Now that wouldn't be so bad if it was a nice vodka and coke

Regards Jackie
There is as I have said, still the matter of Baggage Handlers' Health & Safety to take into consideration
Read the info (all the same report just different websites) and agree that as per the reports any more than 32kg is too much for anyone to handle. But this was orignally about the 20kg limit.........even I've never gone over 32kg

My point was that perhaps peeps on 2/3 week breaks could be allowed perhaps 25kg I certainly wasn't advocating 40kg

I agree with your thoughts. Different weight limits depending on duration of your holiday. It wouldn't hurt to increase it slightly for two/three weeks holidays. At the end of the day it is not like they haven't got the space on the aircraft. They would quite happily let everyone take 30kg each because they know they are going to receive the extra money for the 10kg excess baggage.
Rgds Jackie
My friend has just gone on a nursing placement to spain for 4 months, her luggage allowance was only 20kg!Her dad gave her £60 to cover her obviously way over baggage, however she didnt have to pay a penny even tho she managed to have... wait for it over 100kgs! split between several bags and cases obviously! That £60 was spent at french connection in the airport, hehe! They told her that they understood because she was going for 4months rather than a weeks hol! Good old easyjet.
there is a problem with different allowances for length of hols, not everyone on plane going out is going for same length of time and same for coming back- could end up with a plane of 30kg bags- what happens fuel costs then. extra weight means extra fuel. doesnt it ?
But follow this up with specialist dance holidays for up to 3 weeks at a time in Cuba where even with a 3Okg allowance there's no way you can fit in enough practice clothes plus clothes for sightseeing and going out of an evening to see you through without washing some stuff through each day. And even if you could pack enough not to have to you wouldn't want to because the sweaty dance practice outifts would walk home on their own after even just a few days of festering in the case! The last time I went I had one medium rigid case for me (checked in at 13kgs) and a second one of the same size for the gifts I was taking out for friends over there and bringing home gifts for friends and family here (including a whole selection of percussion insturments for my musician brother!).
Despite wearing 3 sets of clothing each day, practice clothes for the dance class, a post shower change of clothes for going to my Spanish class and a further change of clothes for dinner, I still ended up bringing home clothes that never got worn as a result of the simple expedient of rinsing through my own underwear immediately after taking it off, similarly giving the practice clothes a quick drubbing in travel wash and leaving them to drip dry over the shower (which they did in double quick time in the heat of Cuba) and getting everything else laundered locally every other day. Next time I go I'll probably take even less and will ditch the skirts and tops in favour of just taking the 3 or 4 linen shift dresses that I repeatedly had laundered and kept wearing in rotation because they were so much cooler and more comfortable.
i would never think of washing them ,buy all new every holiday so dont wash them then so not going to do them while away,
Am I the only squeamish one who just has to wash new bought clothes before they go in my wardrobe or I wear them because of the thought that not only have I tried them on in the shop but that there's no way of telling who else has tried them on before me and I don't know who they are or how sweaty they might have been after a day trailing round the shops? :-)

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