1st August would be nice. And those two taxis parked in my car park would look more than nice. I wonder who can squeeze them into their luggage.

Ok, I have a plan in mind.
I just want to make sure I've got this right first though!
Will we all be meeting at Swisscare for the day?
What day's that Pippy?
Whichever day we all agree on.
That would be best, otherwise we'd all be there on different days!
How do you get up there from Sharm Pippy ?
I was wondering Swiss what the chances would be of us being able to book one night at Swisscare (the night before the 'do')??
We could come up that afternoon and return to the Conrad the following afternoon.
Although there will be six of us going to the Conrad it would only be my mum and I coming to the meet.
You must have nerves of steel to survive the drive. i lost some more hair going into Naama by taxi
good call
But Pippy... I thought you were looking to double up ?
Oh, I see, mum will be there to stop the hanky panky, eh ?

For the benefit of members who don't know my sense of humour, please let me assure you this is all in jest, just a bit of banter, and Swiss is a happliy married man

If it's going to take place in the evening then we'll definitely only be able to come if we can book a room for the night with you Swiss.
He'll always make room for you Pippy. Even if it means kicking guests out.
There are some lovely rooms on the beach. Twin or triple beds, ensuite facilities just few yards away - only thing lacking is a wall but no doubt a curtain could be rigged up.

Seriously... Alan... why not a sleep in at the beach... it will be full moon on the 29th - 30th July 2007, ( Sunday - Monday ), whilst the 1st August will be just afterwards. ( Obviously ). Afternoon at the beach, games, eating, drinking, snorkelling, swimming, relaxing and then dinner just after watching the full moon rise over the mountains of Saudi Arabia, and then dinner, more relaxing, shisha, and then midnight snorkelling and swimming, till we crash out one by one on the beach !

Not so sure about the midnight swimming though, I've seen jaws too many times!

What would we sleep on though?
Don't think I'd want to be directly on the sand, not having seen the huge crabs on the beach at the Conrad at night

Crabs are the least of your worries. I seem to remember rumours of an Alpine hyena wandering the beach.
What's the nightly rate for a moonbed in one of the meteorite shelters?
Can we get extra towels to use as blankets if it's cold?
Oh - by the way, we saw a couple of large crabs on the Swisscare beach during the day...
Weds 1st August 2007 is now the day set aside for the BBQ at Swisscare (providing Swiss approves). This is the Swiss national day, so it seems only fair that we help him celebrate it.
Which version do you sing Swiss?
Schweizer Landeshymne (Schweizerpsalm)
Hymne national suisse (Cantique suisse)
Inno nazionale svizzero (Salmo svizzero)
Imni naziunal Svizer (Psalm svizzer)
Swiss national anthem in english
When the morning skies grow red,
and over us their radiance shed
Thou, O Lord, appeareth in their light
when the alps glow bright with splendor,
pray to God, to Him surrender
for you feel and understand
that He dwelleth in this land.
In the sunset Thou art night
and beyond the starry sky
Thou, O loving father, ever near,
when to Heaven we are departing
joy and bliss Thou'lt be imparting
for we feel and understand
that Thou dwellest in this land.
When dark clouds enshroud the hills
and gray mist the valley fills
yet Thou art not hidden from thy sons
pierce the gloom in which we cower
with Thy sunshine's cleansing power
then we'll feel and understand
that God dwelleth in this land
Which version do you sing Swiss?
Schweizer Landeshymne (Schweizerpsalm)
Hymne national suisse (Cantique suisse)
Inno nazionale svizzero (Salmo svizzero)
Imni naziunal Svizer (Psalm svizzer)
Swiss national anthem in english
When the morning skies grow red,
and over us their radiance shed
Thou, O Lord, appeareth in their light
when the alps glow bright with splendor,
pray to God, to Him surrender
for you feel and understand
that He dwelleth in this land.
In the sunset Thou art night
and beyond the starry sky
Thou, O loving father, ever near,
when to Heaven we are departing
joy and bliss Thou'lt be imparting
for we feel and understand
that Thou dwellest in this land.
When dark clouds enshroud the hills
and gray mist the valley fills
yet Thou art not hidden from thy sons
pierce the gloom in which we cower
with Thy sunshine's cleansing power
then we'll feel and understand
that God dwelleth in this land

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