I totally agree. April 30th cant come quick enough and already looking for bargains for Sept 2007. Twice a year for 2 weeks each time is good, but I wish my work gave me more holidays, I am sure I would love to go 3 or 4 times a year.
Mary x
i dont know if my kidneys would stand for anything longer than 2wks.
I think it was the fags that nearly killed me. Late nights, early mornings, chronic chest for a day or two, but soon recovered enough to party all night and have a good sing song.
sounds just like our holiday,we came home in need of another holiday to get over the first one,mind you,we didn't have the kids with us,so i think we went a little mad,have to calm down a little next year,as the girls will be with us,but not to much,
hi bibbs have a look at the link above ,you may be able to identify your house guest from some of the pictures here
hi bibbs have a look at the link above ,you may be able to identify your house guest from some of the pictures here
I am back to work tomorrow, first day for 4 weeks. Its flown past. I will just have to keep thinking about my 2 weeks in Marmaris to get me through to May.
We were ok to party, our kids have grown up and off our hands now.
Mary x
wow,that was a lot of moths,the closest i saw was on page 4,common marbled carpet moth,but mine are black with white around the collar,thanks very much for that,

i knew i started late,mine is still only 13,got a while till my ones off hand.dont worry,may will come around soon enough,

well who would have thought it,the critters are to become overnight celebrities,word has spread and they are off to the local school tomorrow,the science teacher wants to show them to the children and get them to do a project about them,whats next the paul o'grady show,
Well, mingling with the stars here now.
is that mingling or minging with the stars.
1st day back in work today after a month off.
You can tell I am concentrating on the job, playing on here huh!
Mary x
i doubt that very much,and dont let the boss catch you playing or you might end up with all the time in the world on your hands.

I keep my back to him and sit in front of my monitor - he is usually perving somewhere anyway.
that should be backs to the wall if he's perving,
Ding dong the boss has gone.
Hope the critters enjoy themselves tomorrow in School.
Remember and make them a packed lunch.
Mary x
lets just hope they dont become lunch,the kids are 3 to 5yrs.

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