can anyone advise me please . we signed up to club class holidays in spain in september. we obviously left our brains on the runway....
we didnt hand over any money as we didnt have it on us .. but agreed to thier payment scheme etc etc.
we were told we couldnt get out of it once signed and there was no cooling off period.
since coming home i have read into it and have decided that its definately not something i want us to do.
how do we now get out of this. do we need to see a solicitor or do we just write to club class explaining we are no longer interested.. can anyone advise me of my rights here and i have a very very bad feeling in my stomach
I'm no expert but I think you're past any cooling-off period (which I think may be 7 days from reading through other threads on this company).
I think this is more appropriate on the 'Timeshare, Property Bonds and Holiday Clubs' forum.
In fact there is already a thread on Club Class there.
You could ring Ros Fernihough (Travel Law Solicitor) for free impartial legal advice:-
Tel :- 01922 621114
Good luck
Take a look at the following link and there is some useful information there including links to other forums which should help you with your next step.
Kath HT Admin