Any advice on this subject would be appreciated, as I don't really know where to start. My husband and I last skied about 19 years ago a long time pre children who are now 10 and 7. I have to say my other half was a born natural, whereas my competancy was questionable!!
So, beacuse of past experiences I would like a resort that offers activities for the not so able amongst us, toboganning, swimming, retail therapy etc. Also because I don't want to spend a fortune on a holiday that could be a complete disaster if the kids hate it, it needs to be reasonably priced.
Anyway to cut a rather long question short, where should we look at that is reasonably priced, with a range of activities and which tour operator is best for people like us whose knowledge of skiing is really non existant? Also if it fits with school holidays I would be looking to go boxing day 2007, is this a good time to go or not? The eldest will just have started secondary school so whenever we go has to fit around the school holidays.
My grateful thanks to anyone who can point us in the right direction
