I have been told by doctor don't need malaria tablets we are staying in the mount lavinia hotel. but would like to visit places like candy if possible. So I am unsure as to whether to take tabs or not. Also only two weeks to go now any one been there recently.
We told our doctor that we were planning to travel outside of Colombo and were prescribed Proguanil and Chloroquine. I think we had to take them for a weeek before we went, while we were there and then for a number of weeks after we returned.
Thanks I think I will pay another visit to the doctor.
I paddle a bit myself, although i am more into my walking and skiing at the moment.
There is nothing worse than being in a great country and then getting shit scared because you havn't got the right tablets. I was in the northern part of Thailand near the Bermu boarder and this guy at the chemist had not taken any malaria tablets and he was convinced that he had it.
I am hoping to go to Sri lanka this summer for my honeymoon.
I am not sure if to book everything up over the internet or wait until i get out there. It is suppose to be very cheap out there!
What about you?

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