arrived at manchester in plenty of time and the flight was only 15 minutes late so was happy with that. once in the air the pilot said we would arrive a bit early so well pleased as we were arriving on new years eve so didn't want any delays to spoil the night. then the fighting started but i will not dwell on this as it has been mentioned before. In budapest the pilot advises us that we would refuel there so we could give bahrain a miss so we eventually landed at 1500 in goa. Only 2 hours late which we would have accepted while on the ground in Budapest.
Shot through immigration and baggage in record time. went to the prepay taxi rank and got one for 650 rupees after being quoted 1200 by others. paid the boy 20 rupees for carrying the case and his jaw nearly hit the ground when i didn't give him a pound coin. Things were looking up.
taxi ride was a nightmare as he didn't know where our hotel was so he kept stopping to ask people and i am sure they kept sending him the wrong way but eventually got there.
i had e mailed the hotel for a pool room as recomended on one of the hotel reports and thats what i got
went out for a NYE party and boy did we get one. Started at the hotel then went walkies had a few drinks in calangute before deciding to go up csm road. jumped in a taxi to go up there and he only got stopped by the the police for dangerous driving and fined 600 rupees (dangerous driving in goa)?. Anyway he tried to charge us the fine when we got out. fat chance.
the place was absolutely heaving i have never seen so many people. ended up in Bobbys shack for new year and had a great time with all the fireworks and thousands people. got in around 5.Went out in t shirt, shorts and flip flops and got home in shorts only

new years day was a complete write off.
the rest of the holiday was nothing like new year.
went to palolem for a couple of days and that was a nice break. We stayed in a shack on stilts just off the beach. This was an eye opener just a mattress, mossie net and a bucket!! There were still a lot of beach sellers here though. The quality of food in the shacks didn't match calangute or baga. Was going to querim beach for a trip but tracy was poorly but will go there next time.
one day we took some kids clothes and things to the mango house and met rob. We also went to see the children. It was the most humbling thing i have ever seen. It really puts things into perspective when you see the love and joy on these kids faces just by giving them a piece of fruit. Tracy wanted to bring some of them home.
After the visit I made a point of buying fruit to give to the local kids in calangute.
visited the wednesday market as I like to sit and watch the bands didn't bother with the market though just the beach bar.
Also went to Ingos night market, the traffic was horrendous trying to get there so we only went the once. Enjoyed the pie mash and mushy peas there though and the bands
Spent a day on candolim beach but didnt like it much, too many sellers
pestering. The beach around fishermans shack was the best and quietest we found during the holiday.
one night we had a race in tuk tuks with another couple from redonda to sportsmans with the winner getting a big tip. because we were losing, our driver decided to go round the monument the wrong way which was a bit scary so we decided it wasn't a good idea to have a race anymore but this is goa. Saw a lot worse driving while we were there.
Our hotel pool was in the shade all day so didn't spend any time round the pool. spent one day at the casa de goa saying we wanted to stay there next year so they let us in. It was quiet so we could chill round a pool for a change.
Tracy was bad for a day so i went for a walk so she could have a sleep. I walked from our hotel down to candolim and back, then up to baga and back. felt like i had walked to delhi and back. It was good though cos i could stop and do as i liked at my own pace.
we used lots of different resatraunts: good ones were
over the flames (my favourite)
oceanic restaraunt
bobbys shack
fishermans shack
molly malones (my steak was excellent)
colonia de braganza - our hotel
not so good
redonda (think my wife got db from here)
hotel casa de goa - wife had a rare steak when wanted well done
molly malones (wifes steak was like leather) she didn't have much luck on the steaks this hol
the chippy
main bars we used:
red lion = right next to hotel mainly as a night cap
somerset bar - had asda bacon and quiet to watch the football
kc's - csm road (think that was the name)
titos - outside with the entertainment
we used skin so soft pink and green while we were there and only got bit when i didn't have it on. Everyone else at the hotel got bitten so it was a good investment.
airport on the way back wasn't too bad either just the delay in Bahrain.
all in all we had a fantastic holiday and can't wait until the next time.
A special thanks to Martin and Brenda who we met there for being great friends throughout the holiday
Hope I didn't waffle on too much
Bob and Tracy